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Everything posted by Dru

  1. You know something? Tourists like looking at climbers and as far as I can tell they don't seem to mind seeing bolts and draws hanging on trailside climbs.
  2. Dru


  3. the 4oz and 8oz. are the classics http://www.nalgene-outdoor.com/store/subcategory.asp?categorysubcategorycode=10
  4. no no, take your rock skis and make cracked jealous by screeing 2cm of slush over rubble
  5. dude more like backpacking and SNOW CAMPING in the areas you list. it was a high of +3C in Edmonton today. most of the Rockies except for Banff got snow.
  6. Dru

    perfect symmetry

    "Any other animal, when you hunt it, will run away and hide. Well, except the dodo, and look what happened to them. But a chicken, once it's hiding behind a bush, will go "Cluck, cluck, cluck" so you know just where it's hiding. I never felt bad about killing and eating something that dumb." - Bob Wilson I say, I say there boy! I'd like to check out Pam's perfect symmetry there!
  7. i have 3 of each but have only placed beaks. they seem to be way better than peckers - less leverage and natural hooking. is this really the case? also wtf is up with pika mallards? have never found a placement they will actually work in.
  8. Dru

    On The Road Again!

  9. Dru

    On The Road Again!

    QC or HG. S?
  11. But most of the mixed crags in Canada are not 15m high chunks of rock next to a popular hiking trail... Louise Falls area excepted...
  12. CBS, if you pay me $20 or so, this year I will introduce myself
  13. I thought Crime and Punishment WAS enjoyable. But I bet I wouldn't read a chemistry textbook all the way through with pleasure...
  14. Maybe we should kill catbirdseat at the rope up and Marie can try and figure out who did it.
  15. Lead in blocks then you only have to swap the rack once every 4 or 5 pitches.
  16. Yeah the Yuji article did seem to contain some chestbeating (blah blah no one but me could do this, blah blah) but the overall tale of the buildup to the failure was pretty interesting... and also interesting he couldn't do the girly moves Lynn Hill or Beth Rodden could do, and figures it's harder to onsight a 13 on El Cap than to redpoint a 14d...
  17. Oh really what makes you think that
  18. I bought my copy of Alpinist 8 yesterday The featured "mountain" is The Titan, a Colorado mud pile. What next, Columbia Boulder? der Toof? Steve Seats The rest of it came across as a little bit same-old. All the interesting stuff seemed to be a few months late and/or a few months out-of-date. The only thing that really interested me was Yuji's article on trying to onsight El Nino. All that preparation (5 years!) and then he blows it on the 4th pitch.
  19. I like to carry all my gear around in a rubbermaid. Also I can bivi in it and it is waterproof. BUT it's a bitch in chimneys and offwidths!
  20. I'd prefer to eat an aminal than jail it
  21. it seems like quite a few people got mad when Argentinian party removed fixed hardware (rap rings) from Der Toof, nearby. Double standard? Or would removing these draws cause a similar outcry....
  22. Dru

    Big issues?

    I ran into some kids at Lighthouse Park once trying to TR with rope running directly through slings, no biners.... I don't think they had ever been to a gym in their life... "Uh my big brother quit climbing and gave me all this stuff, I think I know how to use it"
  23. Dru

    Big issues?

    25 years ago it was 1979... .I have news for you but one of the hottest issues of the early 70's was the supposedly burgeoning population of outdoor enthusiasts crowding up the backcountry! Not that I recall it myself, probably unlike you, but one has only to read the letters columns or alpine journals of the day to see page after page of ethical yammering about the onslaught of "nature loving" hippies and the impact they were wreaking on crags and alpine meadows. Oh yes and guides and outdoor schools such as Outward Bound were taking the flak for putting these poorly trained n00bs out there.
  24. If guns are aminalized, only aminals will have guns. How safe will you feel THEN????
  25. Remember "The thicker the cushion the finer the pushin'"
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