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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

  2. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    Constants that are constant, as opposed to inconstant constants.
  3. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    Modern physics has noted that information can travel faster than light as long as it is unusable. Thus observing the state of a particle in entanglement can affect the state of a particle on the other side of the universe, instantaneously, as long as no information is transferred. This explains Spray perfectly.
  4. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    I ate quark once.
  5. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    On the contrary, there is no center or singular point. All points are expanding relative to each other because space itself is expanding. The only way there could be a point is if space had existed before the bang, which it didn't.
  6. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    I have the potential to accelerate, but currently my velocity is unchanged.
  7. Dru

    Stinky Feet

    Spray Lysol in your shoes.
  8. Singing Pass behind Whistler - Fissile, Whirlwind, Refuse Pinnacle, Overlord
  9. Who wants to offer odds SnaffleHunter = Greg Wall?
  10. It's hard to hotlink to images in a face to face conversation. Step down off your high horse and retract the tape measure. One day the magic fairy will visit YOU!
  11. Why does it matter what you tell them? Nobody cares how many times. If its some chica you are trying to impress in a bar, tell her you practically owned the whole mountain. Otherwise just say " a couple times" or " a few times". What is a "real climb"? Do sitstarts count?
  12. Dru

    Bush on TV

    Free Texas Eat A Varmint
  13. What, so you can put it on your expedition shirt and climbing resume? Dan Fido might challenge your times, you know! If you have to say something say you climbed, say, Routes X, y, and Z - "during a stay on the mountain". Anything else is only necessary if you are out to inflict bruises in your nipple region. Or trying to hit up some windshirt manufacturers for sponsorship. In which case, by all means, hire Uncage The Soul to whore out your "accomplishments" and make a film.
  14. it'll be more accurate if you weigh a pair of each and divide by two to estimate individual weights.
  15. w00t
  16. How about some Kris Holm style municycle action?
  17. i would suggest you base your opinion of the respective weights on holding them in your hand rather than believing a catalogue description
  18. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    Just thinking about exercise increases one's metabolic rate by up to 10%.
  19. Dru

    A Poem

    8 = D
  20. Dru


    I heard Snugtop runs Google. Maybe she put it on there. Now the question is, can you find the Nodder using the mapping service?
  21. What if you learn it all in the john and then find out that when you are out on the glacier you have to drop your pants and squat before you can remember how to rig a Z-pulley?
  22. Dru

    Bush on TV

    Maybe he's going to give the details of his "Our enemies never stop looking for ways to harm the American people, and neither do we" plan.
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