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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    Microcracks, if left unnnoticed, can quickly grow into a ferocious burkshard, and then you're really in trouble. Rowr!
  2. Dru

    friggin rain

    I know all about what happens when elephants perch.
  3. I agree, cops may not do anything, but I could annoy the heck out of the theives. Find out where they live, park outside their house. Send pictures and video to the newspaper, stuff like that. ...get shot.
  4. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    So how do you account for broken belay biners then? UFOs? Communist flouridation of preciuous bodily fluids? Mass hallucination?
  5. Fern can elaborate on the tree bivi cause she actually has been there.
  6. Dru

    friggin rain

    Idaho - making Utah look good
  7. Dru

    friggin rain

    it might have been dry but its still Idaho, the joke's on you
  8. Hard and fast? Is there a speed record or a Mohs scale for that? How hard is hard and how fast is fast and are those VERIFIED RECORDS???
  9. there is no granite on shuksan
  10. This was about 4 days ago.
  11. 9/16 and 1/2 fits better through abalakovs too
  12. Prescedent?
  13. Dru

    Belay Loop Issues

    So since the maximum force is only 2 kN, no biner should ever break
  14. hooks on tuff = sketchy!!
  15. The classic Squamish solutions to this dilemma are: 1) Fix and sleep on the ground 2) Climb it in a day 3) Bivi in the tree.
  16. Dru

    friggin rain

    Rain is good cause it washes the dirt off
  17. remind me never to bivi anywhere near you
  18. Heavy, clumsy grip, weird balance when swinging.
  19. Here's a coupon for you. Print it out and redeem it anytime.
  20. They wised up and deleted all the Fido posts.
  21. I'll put my hand violently against your face if you keep asking dumb questions!
  22. Can you swear upon a website? Books are so 20th century.
  23. how do you expect the politicos to be reasonable when the weathermen set such a bad example?
  24. Dru


    2.7 sure isn't 5.2 though the reno quake is now down to 4.8 though
  25. Dru


    Reno, maybe.
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