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Everything posted by Dru

  1. is that your mom?
  2. snowy golden but 15c colder
  3. Are they going to quote my cyberstalking, bitchslap comments word for word
  4. Oatmeal and lentils aren't performance enhancing. Except for bowel performance.
  5. Dru

    No comment.....

    He never said it was enforceable. Life in prison for anal sex?! More like, life of anal sex in prison! That's cause Idaho is landlocked.. no sailors.
  6. This is the same Allan Halsey who in the RMI Accident thread said that the accident occured because the air got light and weak?
  7. Yeah with one ball, Pfizer probably didnt want him to do Viagra.. I bet Mentor offered him sponsorship though.
  8. A Wizard pile of choss
  9. I thought it was interesting that both Scientific American and tHe Economist, publications that do not usually share editorial positions, have come out in the last few years in favour of legalizing and legitimizing the use of performance enhancers in sport. Sci Am did it on the basis of health benefits for the athletes, while ThE Economist did it on the basis of turning the competitions into one of medical science, IE market based, rather than individual and surrogate national prowess
  10. if we knew what drugs they took we could test them for it.
  11. According to Stevie Haston, most of the top Euro comp climbers take drugs... Sharma failed a drug test although weed is not performance enhancing.. a Squamish local told me Peter Croft used to snort lines before soloing... no one is pure Hell even Beckey tanks up on "Ensure" ever since they sponsored him.
  12. Your finger, or theirs?
  13. Absence of falsification does not verify. It would be more precise to ask yourself - 1) are these drug tests 100% accurate, 2) are the people performing these drug tests biased in any way (like for instance do they know the person they are testing just gave them a bunch of money), 3) which evolves faster, doping or testing? As long as doping evolves faster than testing there will always be treatments that cannot be detected because no one knows to look for them.
  14. If you get flown off a mountain, and dropped at your car, 1) does it count as a summit? 2) can you call that an official car-to-car time?
  15. What facts? Got any?
  16. I'm sorry, the moron is out of stock at the moment. Our back-orders should arrive in 2006.
  17. So therefore, because they train a lot, it's OK for them to dope?
  18. turn off the LCD screen entirely and you'll still run out unless you only take 2 pictures a day. 17 days!!!???? WTF?
  19. How many other athletes give money to the organizations trying to bust them?
  20. Dru

    No comment.....

  21. but since people can climb V10 and 5.14 after just a couple of months of climbing if they train hard, what incentive is there to use drugs? there are few other sports where the level of overall competence among professionals is so low.
  22. in other words, if everybody is cheating, then cheating is OK?
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