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Everything posted by Dru

  1. yeehaw!
  2. Dru

    What's For Lunch?

    photos will suffice
  3. Isn't that Ark-2?
  4. Dru

    friggin rain

    Hey, anything that keeps you the hell away from it A new study found Idaho residents are the fattest Americans by state average. 60% overweight and 44% obese.
  5. Who wants to go climbing at Copper Cove right now That ferry crash looks CRZY!
  6. .... and so that the alpine boulderers could get more pads to Plummer Hut per flight
  7. Dru


    muffist so is your email on the finnish, or the english website?
  8. It helps if you have something to say
  9. Maybe you will get the LAST ascent of Back of Beyond Butt too
  10. http://www.bivouac.com/PhotoPg.asp?PhotoId=6861 Holy shit! Fred, Ivan and Tim got not only the first... but the LAST ascent too!
  11. well w.l. gore had already sewn up "GoreTex" so it was ToddTex or BiblerTex
  12. and a big to you cause you obviously feel inadequate
  13. Dru

    A Job for Klenke

    Maybe he's the "before" in a before and after commercial for hemmerhoids medicine.
  14. Well lets put it this way, it's not spinach you are gonna be picking out of your teeth afterwards.
  15. Hair salad.
  16. Dru

    Bush on TV

    CNN is Liberal??
  17. Dru

    What's For Lunch?

    hold it, let me get some popcorn and grab a seat. this should be entertaining. Be careful whose seat yer grabbin no shit. Crazy Polish Bob is in the house, and he's talkin' about gay porn!
  18. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    It's sort of like RuMRs ass graemlin.
  19. Dru

    Breaking the Speed Limit

    If you draw smiley faces on a balloon and then blow the balloon up, not only do the distances between the smiley faces increase, but the smiley faces themselves get bigger.
  20. Third-party officiating is inherently risky. If you're talking "Big (cuppa) T" they'd have to be British?
  21. And that's why the world's best climbers are European.
  22. Dru

    Caption Please

    After the explosion in the superglue factory, people looked more carefully for the Nodder, but still couldn't find him.
  23. What a load of warmed-over psychobabble.
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