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Everything posted by chucK

  1. WTF are you talking about Klenke? I stick by that signature. Clinton's lie about not having sex with Monica was/is a nonissue for me. Fucking A! I would have lied in that situation too. But lieing consistently to the public about sending the country to war, ordering an actuary to not release his findings that the Medicare bill would cost the taxpayers 100 billion $ more than is being presented, are serious things to lie about, with serious implications. That's not the type of government I want. It's getting close to a dictatorship if they are going to constantly interfere with allowing the public to make informed choices. If someone in government wants to lie about an affair to protect his marriage and personal public image, then that's not going to rankle me near as much. Sheesh.
  2. That's the fucking sad part. Half of America doesn't give a shit if the government lies out their asses to do whatever the fuck they want. As long as their republicans, you don't care if they lied. Sad.
  3. Watch it again. The deal is, at the start of the video Rumsfeld says that noone ever stated that there was an immediate threat, that it was a fabrication of the media. Then the the reporters read two quotes back to him, from things HE said. The point is made there. No need for a Rumsfeld explanation, he was already caught in an obvious lie. The administrations's lies are obvious. They made these speeches for months about the imminent threat of Saddam, and now they are bold enough to completely deny they even said it! The lies have already been exposed, just not so dramatically juxtaposed with the truth. It's amazing that at this point Rumsfeld would be so brash as to keep repeating that lie at this point when it's so obvious. You may call it an ambush, but I'd say he walked right toward it. The NBC guys just had the guts to pull the trigger. I applaud those NBC talking heads for that! Rummy probably thought they had NBC sewn up or something. I wonder how soon these new FCC regulations are gonna come down on ER with massive fines for graphic violence or depiction of same-sex relationships or something.
  4. Mt Pilchuck! Maybe you'll run into Scotteryx.
  5. Yes. As long as you don't try to "get away" during rush hour. Check out Index (< 1 hr, excellent cragging. supposedly new bouldering area up near there too), Stevens Pass (1+ hr lift skiing), and Leavenworth (2 hrs. cragging, alpine climbing, hiking). Lots of hiking possibilities on Hwy 2. You'll also be pretty close to escaping up 405 to I-5 N or I-90. Actually pretty good location for getting to the mountains, just not during rush hour. 405 sucks then.
  6. chucK


    Forgive me Peter. I totally agree that the bombings probably had an effect on the elections. How could they not? I also totally agree with you that the Spanish election is going to be bad news in terms of exacerbating terrorism. It is a huge victory for Al-Queida, and those are not the only terrorists who are going to be emboldened by this. I also think that an American blaming the Spanish people for fomenting terrorism oughta look in the mirror too. Here is another awesome link. Almost by definition, the war on terrorism is a joint venture, in which intelligence sharing, police cooperation, and quick responses are the critical factors, not who owns the most aircraft carriers. If the Europeans conclude the Bush administration isn't serious about fighting that kind of war, but would rather tilt at Middle Eastern windmills (or oil wells, as the case may be) they could decide their own national interests would be best served by moving to the sidelines, and letting the Americans and Al Qaeda have at it. And why not? When has the Bush administration ever shown any willingness to sacrifice any of its interests -- even the partisan political ones -- to maintain a united front?
  7. chucK


    "Allowing a terrorist attack to influence a democratic election is awful. However, it is hard to begrudge foreign electorates the right to toss out governments that have sacrificed their nations's interests to win favor in Washington." from an op-ed piece by some Cato institute guy
  8. Right. In "extensive" clinical trials done for 6 whopping months on company employees.
  9. chucK


    Oooo good idea. We oughta kill those terrorist bastards. Why haven't we thought of that before? Oh wait, that's what we've been trying to do for years now.
  10. chucK


    Klenke, you're the dude making up this thing about being insulted by equating the fence and apartheid. Why don't you start off with why they are different?
  11. Such a generous offer!
  12. Sweet mountain pron lifted from rc.com (that place is so suck)
  14. I don't have anything useful for Darin, but I just wanted to chime in with a Thanks Mike . That is exactly the type of medical information that is appropriate for dispensing over the internet. Information that tells you which doctors to consult and what questions to ask them.
  15. chucK

    Spray Movement

    Alaska and BC and very trendy
  16. Nice TR Michael! I especially liked the line "picking pine needles out of my eyeballs". Man, that climb had everything! This part does not look fun
  17. chucK

    Spray Movement

  18. (Thinker spoke of this on that other thread, but I don't want to dilute the hate over there.) Rec.climbing is basically now dead. It is an interesting concept of where the addicted sprayers all got off to from there. If you migrated here, anybody wanna divulge who you are/were? Thinker, did you post on rec.climbing I know Stinkwagen is here, as well as Sketchball, Cairns, Fern, Scott Presho and Rob Williams. Anybody else?
  19. chucK


    Peter Puget is right that the Spanish election results will probably embolden terrorists and maybe help out their cause. However, I think the effect of the Spanish election on increasing terrorism will greatly pale with respect to the net effect of our Iraq policy. I have yet to see him bemoaning Bushco's missteps. Other points: don't hold your breath waiting for the Spanish to pull out of Iraq. We've obviously got some pretty heavy leverage on them evidenced by their "willingness" to go along with this Iraq farce to begin with. Something tells me that during his transition to power, Zapatero is going to find out the true motivations for his country supporting the Iraq war, and he might have a tough time backing up his words. Though the Madrid bombings were terrible, I think there is a silver lining to this in that the people in a democratic country were able to rise up against their lying government and it's controlling media and say, "enough's enough!" See this link Liars Lose: Regime Change In Spain, to take inspiration from this whole horrible turn of events. It's inspiring to see a country take a horrible massacre and use it to collectively move their country in a positive direction. Particularly when juxtaposed with our country that used a horrible massacre to justify tangential aggressive foreign policy goals.
  20. chucK

    Spray Movement

    WTF do you want you whiney ass MF? If you really were being sarcastic, then you must have been trolling. Real trollers do not cry about the catch being "too sensitive". That is being a poor winner, and also may cut down on future snares . Thus I think either your claim of sarcasm is whiny BS, or you're a p00r troller.
  21. Does Matt's attachment work for anyone else? I am wondering if it is just my computer.
  22. ...and don't have a valid driver's license.
  23. Driving without insurance is not very considerate to all the people you might hurt, kill, or damage via some simple mistake with your ton+ of metal. Too bad you got a ticket, but I think it's a good law to require liability insurance for drivers.
  24. So if you're bankrupt, or heavily in debt do you get paid for doing illegal stuff?
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