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Pub Club 12-3


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I've heard the approach to the O&T can be pretty heinous, complete with routefinding difficulties and objective hazards, including but not limited to: driving-while-talking-on-their-cell-phone-and-picking-their-nosemaniacs, vicious (and organized) seagulls, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Still my strategy is to travel light and fast, and go for the car-to-car in a day via the coveted old 99 route. Barring bad weather, or an earthquake that entombs me under the Alaska Way Viajustducky, I hope to raise a few bigdrink.gif

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Police, Climbers Clash as Downtown becomes Battlefield

Associated Press



A spontaneous protest turned ugly last night, as a group of several dozen disgruntled individuals affiliated with the Cascadeclimber.com web site marched on the Forest Service headquaters just after 10 pm. Apparently upset with the Forest Service Fee Demonstration Program, the protest turned quickly from peaceful to chaotic. Witnesses said that police failed to tackle the agitating climbers properly and resorted to harsh action including tear gas and clubbings to disperse them.


"Some of them are pure animals. They'd be animals in any society. These guys and gals are outlaw types who should have been born a hundred years ago--then they would have been gunfighters," said Seattle's Chief of Police.


The bartender at the Owl and Thistle, where the group had been imbibing peacefully prior to the protest, offered a more positive assessment of the climbers: "They're not bad people, at least individually. I'll tell you one thing: I'd rather have a bunch of Cascadeclimbers on my hands than a pack of rabid bloodthirsty wolves."


UW professor Richard Blow offered some insight into the unrest: "Mob psychology is an ugly thing because you never know when a mob can turn vicious, in an instant, and inflict the most unspeakable atrocities."


One stunned Cascadeclimbers known only "Ehmic" agreed. "We had been weak, but when we acted as a mob we became strong, and what we did ... my God, it was like being in the power of a mindless monster ... it is a nightmare to think about."


Mattp, another Cascadeclimber, was less apologetic: "We're the one-percenters, man--the one percent that don't fit it and don't care. So don't talk to me about your doctor bills or your mortgage or your traffic warrants--I mean you go get your woman, rope, rack and your banjo, and you're on your way. We've punched our way out of a hundred rumbles, staying alive with nothing but our fists and our boots. People will just have to learn to stay out of the way. We'll bust up everyone who gets in our path. And I refuse to buy a Forest Pass."


Asked about the group's potential for future trouble making, an anonymous police official said "How did the Cascadeclimbers grow to be such disliked misanthropes? The answer is it wasn't easy. They work overtime at being crude, cruel and crafty. They are a menace, a damn serious scourge upon the earth that is growing bigger every year."


The Chief of police agreed, "the Cascadeclimbers are rude, lame, unmade, pernicious in their demands and influences"; he said. "They are not to be flattered but to be schooled. I wish not to concede anything to them, but to tame, drill, divide, and to break them up, and draw individuals out of them."


The location of the next "Pub Club," is unknown at this time, but officials have promised to have riot police on call in case things once again spiral into chaos and disorder.

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Mattp, another Cascadeclimber, was less apologetic: "We're the one-percenters, man--the one percent that don't fit it and don't care. So don't talk to me about your doctor bills or your mortgage or your traffic warrants--I mean you go get your woman, rope, rack and your banjo, and you're on your way. We've punched our way out of a hundred rumbles, staying alive with nothing but our fists and our boots. People will just have to learn to stay out of the way. We'll bust up everyone who gets in our path. And I refuse to buy a Forest Pass."


That's damn funny grin.gif

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Thanks Dave,

Missed you and now just got bailed out of jail, after I helped push a car 10 blocks. Uncle Tricky, what can I say? Nice TR, and glad to make a stand against the man! TTT (see what I was up to last week on the international pubclub post)

Edited by To_The_Top
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