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ouch, judging by the pic of his wife from his swearing-in ceremony into the cia, i can imagine why a dude w/ such charisma and in such good shape might be awfully tempted to wander...


i'm sure fox will find a way to critize obama for accepting the resignation, joe, rest easy :)

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good letter - short n' sweet, not unlike a top-notch hummer - doesn't sound like he was prepared to take "no" for an answer from b-ho


HEADQUARTERS Central Intelligence Agency


"9 November 2012

Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.


As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation's Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.


Teddy Roosevelt once observed that life's greatest gift is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing. I will always treasure my opportunity to have done that with you and I will always regret the circumstances that brought that work with you to an end.

Thank you for your extraordinary service to our country, and best wishes for continued success in the important endeavors that lie ahead for our country and our Agency.


With admiration and appreciation,

David H. Petraeus"



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FELICITY spreadwell! (spreads very well) :)


and that, right there, ladies n' uh...no gentlewomen, is why he needed to go!


might say being head of the nations top spy operation when you've opened yerself up to being blackmailed ain't such a good thing...

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"Petraeus" sounds an awful lot like "betray us".


All In is now going to be a best seller where before few cared. We are a nation of rubberneckers who love to see the carnage of personal failures.


There are a slew of bad jokes about how God gave men a penis and a brain but not enough blood to operate both at the same time.


It's amusing when reality is more crazy and corny than the trashy fiction.

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The total bummer thing about the whole 'affair' is Panetta and Petraeus swapped jobs for a very specific reason: to make the CIA more operational and to better integrate those capabilities with the defense establishment both in D.C. and on the ground in conflict zones. They each brought experience from their respective cultures to the opposite side in order to ease the transition, breakdown the cultural barriers, and in Petraeus's case really try to spin up a more operationally-oriented agency which could do more in-country than fly drones.


Losing Petraeus is a major blow to those efforts and it's hard to imagine another military leader capable of helming the agency with anywhere near the experience on the ground or force of authority as Petraeus.

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Just google Paula Broadwell. FOX is saying it was his biographer.


Wow! The title and subtitle of that bio is a Double Entendre if I've ever seen one. And his wife Holly ran something called the "Office of Service Member Affairs".








SNL had a bit where they said that the prologue was "Just the Tip" which means the prequel must have been "Second Base"

Edited by matt_warfield
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The total bummer thing about the whole 'affair' is Panetta and Petraeus swapped jobs for a very specific reason: to make the CIA more operational and to better integrate those capabilities with the defense establishment both in D.C. and on the ground in conflict zones. They each brought experience from their respective cultures to the opposite side in order to ease the transition, breakdown the cultural barriers, and in Petraeus's case really try to spin up a more operationally-oriented agency which could do more in-country than fly drones.


Losing Petraeus is a major blow to those efforts and it's hard to imagine another military leader capable of helming the agency with anywhere near the experience on the ground or force of authority as Petraeus.


True true. But to be a military leader you have to keep your pants zipped, unless of course you are in the Secret Service or are named Clinton. If you want free rein, it is best to be under the radar.

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