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No, not out my ass. Swenson have been traveling in Europe and India- he didn't even log in to his FB account for almost 5 weeks. Somehow it shows last week he "likes" Mitt Romney- the only activity in the past 5 weeks! The same happened to Ian Yurdin a few weeks earlier.

And yes, I am not showing content of my personal email exchange with neither, but these are 2 confirmed and named sources of my info, so as usual KKK YOU are full of shit.


Wow, anecdotal evidence proves the case! Maybe they just fat-fingered their iphones... naw couldn't be that

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BTW, if you have read the whole motherjones link you'd find this: "Bill Pennington, an internet security expert, suggested the phantom likes could be the result of "clickjacking," in this case hiding a Romney ad behind an unrelated ad, which would result in a Romney like."


I did indeed read the article which I shared with you. In fact, right after that quote which you mention, there was a statement from a facebook rep who concluded that this was not a clickjacking case and that they were most likely accidental clicks on a cramped mobile interface -- regardless, clickjacking wouldn't explain your friend's story who wasn't even logged in, would it? They would have had to, as you say, "hacked into his account" do to that. But I haven't seen any evidence of this in a reputable news journal. I'd love to see a source if you can find one.

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, anecdotal evidence proves the case!=FOX news


Pretty big balls to accuse a former president of AAC of lying. whatever wanker....


Nobody said anything about lying, dipshit.

Yes, you did. You are disputing factuality of Steve's statement, so you are de facto accusing him of lying.


Nope. I criticized the use of anecdotal evidence as "proof". You've got some serious cognitive difficulties in basic reading comprehension.

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Christ, pick a real issue.

Hacking into accounts is a real issue. It's an issue about desperation and creating perception of support, while there is none. The whole campaign is just one continues lie, like Ryan running a marathon sub 3 hours. Like going to a factory, which receives stimulus money, hired workers with it and saying flat out, that there was benefit to the stimulus. It's the same lie, used to criticize administration for security laps in Bengazi, while voting to gut the funding for security improvements in consulates.

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You flatter me, sir. If I was a psychopath, I'd be making a LOT more money!


No, I'm just a humble Irishman, as common as dirt and just as potty mouthed.


Sociopaths aren't always psychopaths :poke:


but they're always irish :P




It's cuz we love too much.


No, just too often.


Its true though, "humble" is the first word that comes to mind when I think of you. :laf:

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pat's much like the long-dead comedian bill hicks - he says some funny, insightful shit, gets a good gut-chuckle out of the room, then tells everyone he hates them - strange comedy model i'll grant you, but probably not the cause of hick's lethal cancer :)

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