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If anybody is interested in supporting a local musician (me) they can do so by buying my newly released CD called "Five & Three". It is $10. The album has 9 original tracks on it.


I am playing all stringed instruments on the album. I convince my mother (amazing flute player) to play flute on a track as well.


It is easy listening Spanish style guitar playing with a bluesy feel to it.


Feel free to pm me if you are interested. Thanks!





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if you can get a tube tape recorder this will provide a warmer sound once you get it to youtube.
Plus, you can use the evil "back masking" technique that subliminally drives listeners to worship the devil and do more drugs. That is the only reason all those acid rock bands got off the ground in the 80's, Pat Robertson told me so and he has a direct phone line to the almighty.
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