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Obama is as bad as Bush?


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.......problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.


Ding ding ding. Is Obama still calling them the "Bush" tax cuts? Well, I suspect that we all had hopes that things would change so we could kick back and coast on borrowed (Chinese and Fed) money. Seems like around here about everyone (except jayb) thinks that it's fine to just keep driving the bus towards the cliff. We'll blame the skinflint taxpayers for not anti-ing up to put in a guard rail at that spot. But we'll wait till the bus goes over first, then all the pundits will declare how clear it was to them that this needless tragedy was going to occur: after the fact of course.


Yep. First thing that has to go is the bloated military. WTF do we need to be spending 2x what the rest of the world spends on defense - I mean offense. Next - repeal all the Bush tax cuts not just for the "rich". Subsidies - corn, coal, oil - really? A lot of this is political of course. I'm not overly optimistic.

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I am not a self proclaimed socialist. I post a link to socialism and you think that is how I think. Hahahaha. Typical interweb.


You posted a link to a wikipedia entry for the VA and said

"Socialism at its best ... It works here, why not everywhere?"


You're an idiot.


Feck posts videos of Rick Ashley. Does that mean that Rick Ashley is his favorite artist? Think man....think!


Sandusky molests a few kids in the shower and everyone thinks he's a pedophile. Life is so unfair.

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Well, if Obama would have done it for 2 (or 3 or 4) more years, I would say he is just as bad, because it is blatantly obvious that his sole rationale for pushing the tax cuts back another year is to get reelected.


Now, I think he is WORSE; problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.

and where the fuck are you getting your paycheck from? a private company?- you are a small part of a 700 billion a year liability called "national defense", which btw is 10 times the number China spends on. Yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron.

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yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron.


You're not thinking it through GGK. Many people get their training on the government payroll, then move on to work for companies like whatever Blackwater changed their name to, and do the same work but make a lot more money. We spend much more hiring the private sector to provide military security than it costs to do it in house. Akhalteke has remained in the public sector, and frankly I admire that. Cut the military? Sure, I think we need to, but I'm not certain that his job is one that should be cut.


I don't agree with him politically, but I've got a lot of respect for the small portion of the arc of his personal development that I've witnessed on this board over the last decade.

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yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron.


You're not thinking it through GGK. Many people get their training on the government payroll, then move on to work for companies like whatever Blackwater changed their name to, and do the same work but make a lot more money. We spend much more hiring the private sector to provide military security than it costs to do it in house.



Maybe. I think a careful analysis of the total cost would look at the total lifetime cost (recruitment through retirement) of expanding the force structure enough to maintain a given number of soldiers with the training and the background to carry out a particular mission.


Just comparing hourly pay rates isn't going to be sufficient to make that kind of determination.


I'm also curious - how do you feel about pilots trained in the Airforce getting out and selling their services to commercial airlines for quite a bit more money than they were being paid by the Airforce? How about the Army contracting with private airliners to fly troops to overseas deployments instead of flying them over in planes owned and operated by the US military?


I don't see any logical/ethical difference between that and someone in a specialized infantry unit getting out, signing up with a private security contractor, and getting paid quite a bit more to do so. The only major difference I can see is that it probably costs significantly more to train a pilot than it does to train most infantry troops.





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It's a specious argument Jayb. Just cause I was getting out, and some group of idiots offered me a lot of money to go kill a bunch of other dimwits, doesn't mean that the US loss is your gain (AND VICE VERSA). There's more than dollars and sense at stake and in the equation. There's your soul and the soul of the country. Mercenaries? Comes with a hidden price tag. That's not to say that someone who is working for XE after they get out is on the same playing field. I'm talking going to another country to work. I'd still fly "Air America" and am fine with it, our country's training is very good:-) You don't own people ya know.


BTW, turned them down anyway. Once you really look at the math, it wasn't as much money as they think they want you to believe. That's all I know. Not much. Glad folks have stopped slagging on each other. As far as the "Obama the Dictator" header. If the man won't stand for election, then he's a dictator. Otherwise, take a cleansing breath Kevin. LOL



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Well, if Obama would have done it for 2 (or 3 or 4) more years, I would say he is just as bad, because it is blatantly obvious that his sole rationale for pushing the tax cuts back another year is to get reelected.


Now, I think he is WORSE; problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.

and where the fuck are you getting your paycheck from? a private company?- you are a small part of a 700 billion a year liability called "national defense", which btw is 10 times the number China spends on. Yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron.


1) Uhm, nobody here is suggesting absolving taxes; quite the opposite, so I don't know what angle you are coming from.


2)I agree with the size critique of the US Military


3) I made more in 2005 as a civilian than I do now. I don't know what your standards are for successful, but I was content.


I don't know what makes you think you are such a tough guy, but you forget that we have met and I don't remember you being such a tough guy then...

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