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Obama is as bad as Bush?


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Obama the dictator.......


President Obama released his latest Executive Order on Friday, July 6, a 2,205-word statement offered as the “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions.” And although the president chose not to commemorate the signing with much fanfare, the powers he provides to himself and the federal government under the latest order are among the most far-reaching yet of any of his executive decisions

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Check out Gary Johnson. http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/issues


I'm voting for him as I'm pretty much a social liberal, fiscal conservative leave me the fuck alone kind of guy and he's the only choice for nutjobs like me.


..and to further increase the ridicule exposure here, I swap back and forth as a registered democrat and republican depending on who is pitched in the primaries for Senate and the House (registering "independent" means you have NO vote in the primary). This election, I'm registered dem. Obama was the ONLY democratic Presidential candidate on the primary ballot. I voted for him. ;)


Laugh away:-). Barack, who is a far distant 2nd place and near intolerable to me would get my vote if it was just him and Romney and they held a gun to my head and said "VOTE DUDE". Romney lost me for good with his recent comment to the effect that Obama had mishandled Iran: that he (Romney) would have invaded already had he been President.



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How ironic. Most conservatives consider Obama a blatant wealth-distributing socialist. Kevboner, the self-proclaimed socialist, thinks Obama a right-wing fascist.


Hard for a black man to be President these days.


What does the color of his skin have to do with anything?


I am not a self proclaimed socialist. I post a link to socialism and you think that is how I think. Hahahaha. Typical interweb.

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I am not a self proclaimed socialist. I post a link to socialism and you think that is how I think. Hahahaha. Typical interweb.


You posted a link to a wikipedia entry for the VA and said

"Socialism at its best ... It works here, why not everywhere?"


You're an idiot.

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I am not a self proclaimed socialist. I post a link to socialism and you think that is how I think. Hahahaha. Typical interweb.


You posted a link to a wikipedia entry for the VA and said

"Socialism at its best ... It works here, why not everywhere?"


You're an idiot.


Feck posts videos of Rick Ashley. Does that mean that Rick Ashley is his favorite artist? Think man....think!

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hey kev, how do you define socialism? curious


In the world of Kevbone


[font:Arial Black]"A Socialist is anybody who isn't or doesn't worship Ron Paul!"[/font]


Wait, I thought that's who he called fascists?

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Well, if Obama would have done it for 2 (or 3 or 4) more years, I would say he is just as bad, because it is blatantly obvious that his sole rationale for pushing the tax cuts back another year is to get reelected.


Now, I think he is WORSE; problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.



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Obama the dictator.......


President Obama released his latest Executive Order on Friday, July 6, a 2,205-word statement offered as the “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions.” And although the president chose not to commemorate the signing with much fanfare, the powers he provides to himself and the federal government under the latest order are among the most far-reaching yet of any of his executive decisions


I read the EO. What is so troublesome?

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.......problem is most Americans are so goddamn dumb, they think that they can just rest on the backs of others and choose to ignore the amazing amounts of debt they are placing on their children.


Ding ding ding. Is Obama still calling them the "Bush" tax cuts? Well, I suspect that we all had hopes that things would change so we could kick back and coast on borrowed (Chinese and Fed) money. Seems like around here about everyone (except jayb) thinks that it's fine to just keep driving the bus towards the cliff. We'll blame the skinflint taxpayers for not anti-ing up to put in a guard rail at that spot. But we'll wait till the bus goes over first, then all the pundits will declare how clear it was to them that this needless tragedy was going to occur: after the fact of course.

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