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More Police State from the State


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Oh my!




This bracelet would:


• Take the place of an airline boarding pass


• Contain personal information about the traveler


• Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage


• Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes

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Boy, Paul's superpac ads against Huntsman were racist as hell. Huntsman's got one Chinese and one Indian daughter by adoption. Yup...they dressed him up like Chairman Mao. In another ad, they put Hindu thingies on he and his kid's forehead.






Kinda thought


a) adoption was an admirable, selfless act

b) being Chinese and Indian were both OK here in America, you know, the melting pot and all and

c) attack ads on a guys kids is somewhat...unseemly?



Way to go, Bone! Nice candidate, buddy!



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Boy, Paul's superpac ads against Huntsman were racist as hell. Huntsman's got one Chinese and one Indian daughter by adoption. Yup...they dressed him up like Chairman Mao. In another ad, they put Hindu thingies on he and his kid's forehead.






Kinda thought


a) adoption was an admirable, selfless act

b) being Chinese and Indian were both OK here in America, you know, the melting pot and all and

c) attack ads on a guys kids is somewhat...unseemly?



Way to go, Bone! Nice candidate, buddy!



What does the link have to do with Ron Paul?

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Nice spray guys. Anyone bold enough to comment on the original topic?


You are, as usual, too dumb to get my point.

Your news source is not credible. It is the Washington Times, the newspaper founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. It is just as likely to print an article claiming that purple unicorns fly out of Barack Obama's butt at midnight on Friday the 13th. In short, the article is made up.

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Nice spray guys. Anyone bold enough to comment on the original topic?


You are, as usual, too dumb to get my point.

Your news source is not credible. It is the Washington Times, the newspaper founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. It is just as likely to print an article claiming that purple unicorns fly out of Barack Obama's butt at midnight on Friday the 13th. In short, the article is made up.




hahahahahahahahaha........LOL....who is too dumb now....


A credible news source. No such thing. Believe what you want to believe. hahahahahahah


Let me guess, you have "credible" news sources right? Kindly tell me which ones they are so I can be well informed like you.




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Paul spokesperson

“The video was utterly distasteful and no one who actually supports Dr. Paul’s principles would have made it,” she said.

Of course, someone did. Kind of like the Gingrich ad attacking Romney. He chocked on the bullshit and they changed the ad to pull out the falsehoods. Politics. why is anyone surprised?


Back to the original point: if you're not guilty of something then no true American would worry or be concerned over wearing a bracelet or dog collar that shocks them at random times.


Some of these guys like g-spotter up there, would probably pay extra for that.



Lamperd less Lethal, Inc. engages in the development and manufacture of civil defense equipment. Its flagship product portfolio includes less lethal handgun called the Defender 1, which is capable of delivering a knock down round up to 40 feet away; and can also fire pepper rounds, distraction rounds, marking rounds, and training rounds. The company’s flagship products also comprise the 50cal. less lethal upper conversion, which can change the lethal Military M/4 to a less lethal 50cal.in less than 30 seconds. In addition, it manufactures approximately 250 other law enforcement products. Further, the company supplies training and accessories for the police, military, private security, and corrections markets. It markets its products to military forces and law enforcement organizations in Canada and the United States through a network of distributors. Lamperd less Lethal, Inc. was incorporated in 2001 and is based in Sarnia, Canada.


They won't be a viable company for long given the financials. Their balance sheet is "shocking" bone, "shocking".

Edited by billcoe
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Check out the Stinger Systems stuff: http://www.nationalhomelandsecurityknowledgebase.com/directories/Non_Lethal.html


The government is a big market for shit to keep you in your place as they have unlimited money. One of the fastest growing industries we have I'd bet. They can and do just borrow more and will make you and your kids pay it back.

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Nice spray guys. Anyone bold enough to comment on the original topic?


You are, as usual, too dumb to get my point.

Your news source is not credible. It is the Washington Times, the newspaper founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. It is just as likely to print an article claiming that purple unicorns fly out of Barack Obama's butt at midnight on Friday the 13th. In short, the article is made up.




hahahahahahahahaha........LOL....who is too dumb now....


A credible news source. No such thing. Believe what you want to believe. hahahahahahah


Let me guess, you have "credible" news sources right? Kindly tell me which ones they are so I can be well informed like you.





To paraphrase Michael Shermer: If you think that all media is 100% believable, you're wrong. If you think that all media is 100% unbelievable, you're also wrong. But if you think that therefore there is no discrimination between the reliability of various media, you are wronger than wrong.


And that is entirely Kevbone: as dumb and as wrong as it is possible to get.

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