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Hey "I'm a Mormon" ad campaign...


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I grew up in U-tawh... Oh my haa-eck, u-becha yer so fetchin ingnernt, I did. (That is REALLY how they talk there, I fetchin swey-yar) My parents had a set of Mormon "Temp-ahl Garmonts". They would get passed around as white elephant gifts at Christmas parties. I guess if you are a Mormon and you reveal the secrets of the temple marriage ritual and garmonts (funny underwear), you are supposed to have your throat cut from ear to ear. They almost dressed me up in them for Halloween on year but decided that might be a bit too offensive. Sure made a good laugh though. Did you know that Mormon's are also supposed to wear special "gar-monts" that protect you from the devil. However, you can take them off while swimming and bathing cause the devil cannot get you in the water. :lmao:


Thread drift, maybe we should start talking about the Catholic church? The pope is closest to God but isn't he the one covering up and shuffling all the pedophile priests around so they can continue there "celibacy" oath? But I digress...


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Ah, yes, Catholics. I found out a couple of decades after the fact that 4 out of 11 boys in my Catholic grade school class were molested by priests a the CYO camp I went to for 3 summers. An Irishman told me just last night that 1 in 4 Irish men have been molested.


Isolated incidents here and there, doncha know! Can't paint the whole religion with so broad a brush!





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I don't think momo underwear is such a big secret.
Not the day to day funny undies, the top secret ones are only worn for top secret temple ceremonies... Quite elaborate sliky/satin fig leaf type things, if'n I remember correctly. I'll have to see if my folks still have em so I can use them for a costume party. The daily mormorues are just to keep the devil :fahq: away when your out of the water. ;) (duh)


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Ah, yes, Catholics. I found out a couple of decades after the fact that 4 out of 11 boys in my Catholic grade school class were molested by priests a the CYO camp I went to for 3 summers. An Irishman told me just last night that 1 in 4 Irish men have been molested.


Isolated incidents here and there, doncha know! Can't paint the whole religion with so broad a brush!

I was recently told that the Pope used to be able to have a wife but when the church realized she got all the loot when he croaked, they changed the policy.


Isolated incident or not, the higher level cover up/letting them continue is what really get's my goat.

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Can o sand worms, that one.


I don't believe any religion should tax deductible (seems like a violation of the 1st amendment, as the state must invariably choose who is a legitimate religion and who is not), but I do think that religions should be able to establish non-profit organizations that serve the public...but that service should not include evangelizing and the like. If religions were banned from forming tax deductible service organizations, they could easily argue that such a ban constitutions religious descrimination (the state would be in the same position of deciding who was a 'religion' and who was not'. Either that, or all charities would have to pay taxes...and that would, um, stifle charitable giving a bit - probably not in the public interest, considering how much charities do (that government does not or cannot).

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Can o sand worms, that one.


I don't believe any religion should tax deductible (seems like a violation of the 1st amendment, as the state must invariably choose who is a legitimate religion and who is not). . .


While I agree with you one hundred percent on this, I gotta smirk when I see you supporting your premises with citations from the same "tired, dusty old document" that you openly mock when it's contents prove ideologically inconvenient.

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