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Originally posted by b-rock:

(if you think its all tedious interludes and polka beats you're not listening very closely).

yawn, [sleep] that's the same tired old line used to defend many a mediocre band. Heard the same crap about the Dead (who I enjoy). Oh, how I wish I lived in Gamehenge! Trey your thesis was so brillant! Spare me. [Roll Eyes]



Face it Iain, you just don't like dirty hippies.
[Roll Eyes][big Grin]

Your right, that's why I went to the fair in high/jr high school and quit going when they turned into a shitty toned down "music festival" where the usual phishies start making an appearance w/ their TNF wardrobe and nalgene bottles w/ stickers all 'round. Lock up the hippies I say, an if I catch you in birkies I'll whip your ass! [laf] Now I'm off to travel with Wilson. [Moon]

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Originally posted by sk:

we asked the gym guy to change the techno yuck to something a bit more agressive and he did
Have you PDX complainers tried such a thing

Nope, I endured hours of french rap again! [Mad] I'm bringin in some mad Antelope digi-jams and hot boxin' the joint stat!

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Originally posted by iain:

Oh, how I wish I lived in Gamehenge! [/QB]

Why would you want to live in the land of darkness and doom dictated by the evil wilson?


You've got a lot of negativity built up in you there ian, you must have had some sort of bad experiance sometime...too bad.


You can dis Trey's work, but until you come up with something as original and creative, your words are like thin air.


By the way, the music came first, and the silly story was added later after some mushroom trip...

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You can dis Trey's work, but until you come up with something as original and creative, your words are like thin air.


Well there we have a fine example of what I was talking about. I'm also particularly glad to see the term "dis" in written form now. And the old "can't rip on 5.13'rs if you only climb 5.10" reasoning is being hashed out in a different thread. I'm just bored at work causing trouble, but I stand by my words! Phish - overrated! The only thing good about Phish concerts are the chicks! You've been assimilated by the golgi apparatus. [laf]

[Wink] -Iain

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Iain, were you at the PRG last night, perchance?

Yes I was. Just find the easiest V2 in the house and the guy flailing on it was me. [smile] (around 10-11pm) I'll admit it was not french rap last night, but it was some other shit they've played way too much.

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Originally posted by iain:

Phish - overrated!


The funny thing about that is that they are really not overrated, nor ever have been. Most popular music critics hate them, they have never had a top selling album, Picture of Nectar was actualy once rated worst album of the year, they produced one of the stupidist MTV vidieos ever...etc, ect.


Sure they have many dedicated fans, but so does Metalica, Cher, and Barbara Striesand(Sp?)...

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Originally posted by iain:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Iain, were you at the PRG last night, perchance?

Yes I was. Just find the easiest V2 in the house and the guy flailing on it was me.
(around 10-11pm) I'll admit it was not french rap last night, but it was some other shit they've played way too much.

Hmm. DFA missed you by about 20 minutes. Wouldn't mind if they brought back the French rap, as it's pretty good. But they always seem to be playing one out of perhaps three (or thirty? Hard to say.) electronical music CDs without fail. There are one or two persons behind the counter who have a modicum of musical sense, the remainder have been brainwashed.


Somehow five minutes of the same 10-second loop of drum-machine beats, some bit of pseudo-hip sci-fi movie dialog, and random computer noise just don't get the Doc psyched to do anything but tear the speakers down and smash them. An entire album of that crap is unconscionable.

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Agreed DFA. Ready for some new tunes at PRG. You probably tear it up at that place. Me, I'm pretty weak on the boulder stuff. Having a good time though.


Lambone - I was referring to the phans. One viewing of VH1's behind the music or any of their 10 other similar shows is reason enough for me to discount all music critics' opinions! [laf] How do you become a music critic anyways? Seems kindof a strange profession.

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:


Originally posted by b-rock:

... Ahhh, whatever. Face it Iain, you just don't like dirty hippies.
[Roll Eyes][big Grin]



Q. How do you hide something from a hippie?

A. Put it under the soap!
Yeah my redneck dad useta tell me s#$& like that when I was grow'in my hair long [sleep]

Q: What looks like a Jane and smells like a John

A: A hippy

He useta also say he was going to break my plate at the table if I did'nt get that: Fuk'in HAIR CUT

Seen phish at the george a few years ago they where ok , I guess I am more of a hard Rocker\grung\Teckno type

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I think it's funny how anytime Phish is mentioned, they are allways judged based on the majority of fans that follow them. Can you imagine how frustrating that must be for them, considering they are your ordinary jeans and t-shirt kinda guys who just like to play improve music. Not that I wouldn't trade anything to be a rock star [big Grin]

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Actually, trey doesn't really play while on the tramp (other than strum a chord or two)...but mike does.


Tell me what music isn't self indulgent wanking? Like Les Claypool isn't??? [Roll Eyes] Sure man whatever. Ever hear of Oysterhead?


Anyway, it's not like Trey doesn't admit to it. Here is a pharaphrase quote from Bittersweet Motel. "When were jaming it's like an orgasim for me...so when I'm playing it's like I'm coming the whole time!"


Kinda of gross yeah, but tell me you haven't thought the same thing at least once on a stellar route.


[ 08-22-2002, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Lambone ]

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piss used to be cool in like high school and shit, back when i was all chemicalized and shit. now a daze the music makes me sleepy to hear the same sheeit all over and over and over and over again(i think that is a lyric!!)


granted they do produce a fair show, but all the dirty hippies who send their children out to beg for tix and sell crilled cheez sammys really detract from the scene.....(i would say pathetic) but do not want to come accross as some judgemental prick.


maybe cappalinni and i can go to the next piss show and cause some ruckous.....sure th grant country sherriff wouldn't mind a bunch clean cut white boys to stir the dirt pot and laugh at the devalued human soul!

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Originally posted by Lambone:

yeah, now a days it's cool to hate phish
[big Grin]
your a trend setter e-dog

bone, didnt say i hated dem....just said i have moved on.....said i felt they kinda never progressed.....dats cool love all ya want....cuz you aint too bad......


[laf][big Drink]


reading comprehension the key to inderstanding what others write. ha!

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