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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:


Rope Gun Hooker

Member # 161


Is this the we showed and you didn't bs or is this we all stayed in seattle anyway talk

i dunno ray, i think it is some sort of communist liberal ploy to seperate the cool people from the seattle-lites.....


viva la TACOMA

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Fine I'll say it.


I think it's bogus you guys organized a "secret" pub club in Seattle behind the Tacoma guys backs. I think it's bullshit that you then posted the list of who went after the fact as if you are trying to prove something. They have driven up here for every Seattle one that I've been to. If you don't want to drive down there when it's their turn that's fine, but at least show them a little courtesy and raise the issue about maybe revising the rotation instead of starting your own little pub club and then taking a shit and shoving it in their face.

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Originally posted by trask:

rednecks with guns and attitudes rule

in granite falls maybe... last time i went through there i saw two dudes packing side arms. one of them had the nerve to stop on a 2 lane bridge, turn off his rig, and get out to have a look at the view. he was "parked" in the oncoming lane and there was a sharp corner just on the other side of the bridge... duderanch gave me a 'howz it goin' nod as i drove past [hell no]

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Originally posted by jon:

Fine I'll say it.


I think it's bogus you guys organized a "secret" pub club in Seattle behind the Tacoma guys backs. I think it's bullshit that you then posted the list of who went after the fact as if you are trying to prove something. They have driven up here for every Seattle one that I've been to. If you don't want to drive down there when it's their turn that's fine, but at least show them a little courtesy and raise the issue about maybe revising the rotation instead of starting your own little pub club and then taking a shit and shoving it in their face.

Awww, they're just sport drinkers, afraid of a little approach march. You know, the drink off your bumper crowd. It wasn't that secret, and it didn't really rate as a topic of conversation in Tacoma last night. Typical though, since as anyone who doesn't live in the greater Seattle ex-urb knows, the damn town thinks it owns the whole state.


Secret Seattle Pub Club = Gary Locke [laf]


Kudos to ehmmic for coming all the way down, it was a pleasure to meet you.

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Originally posted by ehmmic:

Off white - so is all this spelled out somewhere? I'm wondering when I get to gumby status...

Not spelled out, I've interpolated from seeing how many posts there are for various new titles. I suspect if anyone spelled it out, the shifty gods that run this place would change the rules again. I think you should go on a spray fest until you top 200 posts and see if that does it for you...

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Originally posted by jon:


I suspect if anyone spelled it out, the shifty gods that run this place would change the rules again.

Hey what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Its a compliment Jon. To be a wily and capricious lesser god is way more fun than being the big cheese. Think Loki as opposed to Odin, or Coyote compared to Creator. And why would you want to be the lord of a lower realm unless you were going to mess with people now and then?


PS: errr, don't smite me, ummmm, oh great and, ehhh, wonderful? yeah, wonderful one.


[ 07-31-2002, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Off White ]

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