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Another Right-Wing Loon Makes the News


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proof positive.... of what, exactly?


Left-wingers like Ivan regularly wish for the deaths of their political adversaries. After all "they deserve it".


And yet these same blowhards go on and on about how the *other* side is calling for the deaths of the "other", and are the ones who are over the top in their rhetoric, etc, etc.



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proof positive.... of what, exactly?


Left-wingers like Ivan regularly wish for the deaths of their political adversaries. After all "they deserve it".


And yet these same blowhards go on and on about how the *other* side is calling for the deaths of the "other", and are the ones who are over the top in their rhetoric, etc, etc.



The main difference being that the Right is actually following through on a regular basis?

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the main difference also being I cannot recall the last time Ivan shared such views as he led a campaign rally attended by thousands or spoke these views as a commentator on a national news program and went unchecked and supported by his political peers with the same level of national prominence.

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proof positive.... of what, exactly?


Left-wingers like Ivan regularly wish for the deaths of their political adversaries. After all "they deserve it".


MOST Left-wingers don't wish for this anymore than MOST right-wingers do. These sort of generalized, polemic, personalized "us-vs-them" attacks that I'm decrying.


Do you really thing Ivan regularly wishes for the deaths of his political adversities?



Edited by rob
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proof positive.... of what, exactly?


Left-wingers like Ivan regularly wish for the deaths of their political adversaries. After all "they deserve it".


MOST Left-wingers don't wish for this anymore than MOST right-wingers do. These sort of generalized, polemic, personalized "us-vs-them" attacks that I'm decrying.


Do you really thing Ivan regularly wishes for the deaths of his political adversities?




I didn't say MOST, you did; I said "like Ivan".


TTK, Choada-Boy, and Ivan have all expressed a desire for certain right-wing politicians and commentators to be killed.


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the main difference also being I cannot recall the last time Ivan shared such views as he led a campaign rally attended by thousands or spoke these views as a commentator on a national news program and went unchecked and supported by his political peers with the same level of national prominence.


Yeah, right, he's just a school teacher. Never mind.



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So, yeah, sorry about the junk yard dog. Musta gotten off his chain. Maybe we can get on with our discourse, now, assuming he's bitten enough ankles.


The fact that a pro violence, pro punishment movement is also pro gun should come as a surprise to no one. There is nothing inconsistent in the tea bagger message in this regard. It is an open threat that should not be discarded lightly, particularly after Saturday's tragedy.


All political movements, like all behaviors, are not created equal. Some openly and actively attack the public good. The tea bagger movement is one of them.

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They weren't cross-hairs, they were surveyor's marks! DUH! My bad, I take back everything I've said. Carry on...


clearly they were crosshairs. Even still, do you really think that sarah palin intentionally intended them to mean that these people should be shot?

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Dude, where is the historical record of leftist vitriol congruent with violent action in the last 30 years much less the last three? Your "dude abides", "same as it ever was", and "it's all the same, left or right" doesn't correspond with historical reality. Pull your head out.


Compare that to McVeigh, the Texas plane attack, abortion docs, shooting congressmen and judges....


Very weak.


Here's a good place to begin the long climb out of the small box you've built around yourself:



Das Unabomber. Libtard extraordinaire.

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You seem to be implying that words and symbols don't have real power to sway, particularly the insane, to violence. For realz?


Anyone care to spray paint a swastika on their car door and test that assertion?


Get real.


You're responsible for what you put out there. I've called a few morons morons on this site, and I take full responsibility for whatever erosive effect its had on their already truncated self esteem. It's not easy to be fuckin stupid, and I do have some empathy for these posters for the trog-like, primary color existence these poor potato-eaters are sentenced for life to.


We've all seen one dumb cunt post his gun collection here as a lame, ineffectual threat. What if that dumb cunt had 30 million followers? Would posting that gun collection and, say, posting a name and location be as cool? Would a carry with it some responsibility?

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