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Having been to Tvash's house, I can attest that it is obvious he is extremely wealthy.


If you can afford to "retire" at age 50, you were not taxed enough, and have obviously cheated and screwed over those less fortunate than you. Cough it up.




You wannabes hate it when a libtard beats you at your own fetish game LOL.

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The recent differentiation between the 2 parties appear to be this:


*Democrats are tax and spend.

*Republicans are borrow and spend.


If we have to chose one, we need to go with the first one. Both choices will eventually send the country to hell and have our kids totally fucked in the ass: but at least with the dem version, they'll have some minor lube with it. Why neither party can work right now on lowering how much we spend is beyond human comprehension. Yet sooner or later, the checkbook will be empty and the banks and other countries will not want to issue credit at any kind of terms we will want to pay, and paying off the debt alone will be a huge burden. It's critical that we get the house in order now, before it's a total crisis and interest rates raise. Good for Peter DeFaszio. Obama more than likely crafted the deal with the repubs as a political trap to make this issue stand out with the voters.


This is a minor issue, the voters need to insist on less spending now. The alternative is more taxes later.

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Having been to Tvash's house, I can attest that it is obvious he is extremely wealthy.


If you can afford to "retire" at age 50, you were not taxed enough, and have obviously cheated and screwed over those less fortunate than you. Cough it up.




You wannabes hate it when a libtard beats you at your own fetish game LOL.


I think it's great that our society makes it possible for people to do something that other people find so valuable that they're willing to pay them large amounts of money for whatever it is that they're making or selling - and they can retire early if they want to.


It's not entirely clear that that's true in your case, but you seem to enjoy dropping coyish hints about your wealth, and then demuring when it comes to for specifics. If you made a bunch of money and can live off of your wealth without working - great, congratulations. Really. If not - hey it's the internet - and there's nothing stopping you from claiming to be the reincarnation of King Tut if that makes you happy.

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It's actually waaay less authoritative than the online wealth-0-mether since the folks quoting immediate annuity payouts will actually have to fork over something like the quoted amount of money every year if someone buys a contract from them and hands over the lup-sum balance that they requested.


my glibly stated point was that there are other places to park capital- besides into the hands of those you alluded to- places where one would probably receive more than a few percentage points of interest off a depleting investment.


but, your strategy is probably fine as long as you love your work! In which case you wouldn't be worrying so much about "retirement".



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Having been to Tvash's house, I can attest that it is obvious he is extremely wealthy.

If you can afford to "retire" at age 50, you were not taxed enough, and have obviously cheated and screwed over those less fortunate than you. Cough it up.





Why is it that regressives only have ad-hominem to undermine the arguments of their opponents?


Note how JayB pals up to his friend KKK once in a while. It's very convenient for JayB to usually pretend he is above the fray while his goon friends continually attack his opponents below the belt. Note also that once JayB runs out of arguments his rhetoric is not differentiable from the red-baiting of his goon friends.

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It's actually waaay less authoritative than the online wealth-0-mether since the folks quoting immediate annuity payouts will actually have to fork over something like the quoted amount of money every year if someone buys a contract from them and hands over the lup-sum balance that they requested.


my glibly stated point was that there are other places to park capital- besides into the hands of those you alluded to- places where one would probably receive more than a few percentage points of interest off a depleting investment.


but, your strategy is probably fine as long as you love your work! In which case you wouldn't be worrying so much about "retirement".



Worrying and planning are two different things, kemosabe. Much of the background info/knowledge was acquired on the job. Not sure that falls into the worry category either, but whatever.


Having said that, listening to someone who has arrived at retirement age call in to check on their balances literally start weeping over the state of their finances does focus the mind.


I'm guessing you aren't out there playing with leveraged bets on various derivatives or acquiring big stashes of commodities so you must be referring to real estate?


It's worked well for some people, sure - I just don't have the risk-tolerance required to play with that kind of leverage, much less the specialized knowledge you need, nor the interest, much less the inclination to personally tend to an income properties so it's not really something I'm interested in outside of what I might eventually buy for my own shelter. Think I'd just go for a REIT if I wanted to sink more money into real-estate.


Much credit to you if you've made it work for you though.



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Thanks for the clarification inre "worry". no you do not seem worried. but perhaps some element of "worry" prompts your investment scenarios? lol let's talk about the psychology of "worry", shall we?


yes was alluding to real estate. and yes, some personal interest is needed, lest it become "work" (and a looming bankruptcy).



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Thanks for the clarification inre "worry". no you do not seem worried. but perhaps some element of "worry" prompts your investment scenarios? lol let's talk about the psychology of "worry", shall we?


yes was alluding to real estate. and yes, some personal interest is needed, lest it become "work" (and a looming bankruptcy).





I don't think I could repeat your path to prosperity and personal fulfillment via real estate investment any more than I could repeat the routes that you put up - for all of the above reason - but it's great that you've been able to make it work for you.



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heh, let's not jump to conclusions about my current financial position in life inre RE investments! I'll leave any coy allusions and pretenses to another poster.


I won't post particulars, but I'll say that my current investments would not give a particularly cushy "retirement"! (although i could scrimp and save and make do, i suppose, living off of potatos and wild thistle tubers.)

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I'm missing @an extra $250,000 in cash that went down a real estate toilet bowl last year. If anyone finds it, send it along. Of course, the stock market (apple was an exception) looked bad for the home team as well. Probably have to eat cat food and move into King Tuts basement up there to retire....when I'm 80.

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I'm missing @an extra $250,000 in cash that went down a real estate toilet bowl last year. If anyone finds it, send it along. Of course, the stock market (apple was an exception) looked bad for the home team as well. Probably have to eat cat food and move into King Tuts basement up there to retire....when I'm 80.

push comes to shove bill i can go pry all your bolts out of stone soup and have the local methies sell'em for scrap money for you :)

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If you believe (like J_B ?) that the current financial crisis was the result of Wall Street crooks run amok fueled by a spectacularly unreasonable real estate bubble it would seem that much of your real estate empire is the result of a criminal enterprise in which most of the country was swept up. Clearly your accumulation of these assets is part of the misallocation problem which you diagnosed here: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/992769/3


Perhaps unrelated: Years ago while interviewing new engineering grads for possible employment my father began to hear more and more declarations from interviewees that they did not want to work on defense related projects because of “ethical reasons”. Finally my father began to explain that defense projects had significantly increased the demand for engineers and thus engineering salaries in generally. He then would ask if for “ethical reasons” they would wish to work at a lower than market rate salary. No one ever took him up on the offer.


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push comes to shove bill i can go pry all your bolts out of stone soup and have the local methies sell'em for scrap money for you :)

pfft, that Billcoe memorial bolt ladder that pissed off Pink so badly? Nah, it's staying....well, upon reconsideration maybe not a bad idea as I'll be able to pickup a few extra cans of cat food for dinner which I can then share with Jim, Lucky Larry or Kimmo up there:-)


Pry away.


ps, better pickins - as near as I can tell there are @ 364 more of the larger 1/2 x 6-1/4 out here plus @ 40 of the Fixe SS biner style rap hangers for them as well: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/oregon/coethedral/106865073


It's not a catastrophe until you see the sign that says "Will trade cams for food".

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push comes to shove bill i can go pry all your bolts out of stone soup and have the local methies sell'em for scrap money for you :)

pfft, that Billcoe memorial bolt ladder that pissed off Pink so badly? Nah, it's staying....well, upon reconsideration maybe not a bad idea as I'll be able to pickup a few extra cans of cat food for dinner which I can then share with Jim, Lucky Larry or Kimmo up there:-)


Pry away.


ps, better pickins - as near as I can tell there are @ 364 more of the larger 1/2 x 6-1/4 out here plus @ 40 of the Fixe SS biner style rap hangers for them as well: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/oregon/coethedral/106865073


It's not a catastrophe until you see the sign that says "Will trade cams for food".


shhh, the rangers are watching ;)

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If you believe (like J_B ?) that the current financial crisis was the result of Wall Street crooks run amok fueled by a spectacularly unreasonable real estate bubble it would seem that much of your real estate empire is the result of a criminal enterprise in which most of the country was swept up. Clearly your accumulation of these assets is part of the misallocation problem which you diagnosed here: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/992769/3


Perhaps unrelated: Years ago while interviewing new engineering grads for possible employment my father began to hear more and more declarations from interviewees that they did not want to work on defense related projects because of “ethical reasons”. Finally my father began to explain that defense projects had significantly increased the demand for engineers and thus engineering salaries in generally. He then would ask if for “ethical reasons” they would wish to work at a lower than market rate salary. No one ever took him up on the offer.


1. a big "if". your simplistic scenario is probably one that jb doesn't believe either, and


2. unrelated.

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Cash...don't want to think of the total if I tossed the equity on that shit pile:-) :grin: The other upside is converting some dollars into Yuan, it looks like I still have money. The good newz is that 2 buck Chuck hasn't gone up in price at all! That, and it pairs well with the 10 for a $1 cat food. Woot!


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I put "Real Estate Bubble" into search and this came up in the first thread I clicked on:


Yep! 30 years of reaganite counter-revolution and propaganda for anti-regulation, small government, and the invisible hand of the free market without surprise turns out to be just a scam to privatize profits and socialize losses. The largest transfer of wealth in history from the midddle class to market speculators goes on unimpeded while the corporate talking heads distract the rabble with lapel pins, the war OF terror and other head spinning orwellian goobly gook. No jelly beans, but billions, for these queens who are certainly not on welfare. We are so fucked!





I can continue searching but why bother. I added the bold






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He then would ask if for “ethical reasons” they would wish to work at a lower than market rate salary. No one ever took him up on the offer.


nice scenario. i'm surprised everyone didn't jump on the opportunity to put more cash in the company's coffers.


I bet they stuck it to the man and donated the unholy premium they recieved to charity!

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