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uss mt hood


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Ditto, and on Veterans day too. The one day of the year that some of the egotistical rubes like Pat on this board can stop spitting on military folks and say a kind word!

pat's dad is a vet dood, and he's hardly anti-military, just anti-dipshit...

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There are those who rhetorically bash the military for its role in the empire, and the real scumbags who don't want to fund veteran health care and benefits at the appropriate level after they sent them in harms way for resources and profits. They usually are of opposite political persuasion and you know which is which.


catfood commission proposal for vets and active service members: "want to add co-pays to the Veterans’ Administration and TRICARE, as well as pushing individuals covered by TRICARE into an employer policy. They also want to freeze noncombat military pay for three years. And, they want to end schools for families on military bases, instead reintegrating soldier’s kids into the public school system (because that’s so easy for a military family that moves every other year)."

Edited by j_b
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My father was on a gun crew, with Lenny Bruce, no less, on the cruiser USS Brooklyn, in the Med during WWII. He mostly shelled French people, until the ship struck a mine, backed up, and struck another. It was later sold to the Argentines, who ran it aground and sank it accidentally. He wound up spending 30 years in the Navy before taking advantage of the GI bill to go to college (he never finished high school), then law school.


Since that noble war ended the military has been a monkey on our fiscal and geo-political back - a national, imperial addiction. Its precisely this kind of unquestioned reverence and sycophantic denigration of those who just don't buy it that keeps the addiction, and the blank check that goes with it, strong. We possess 40% of the worlds weapons. Our military is larger than then next 10 nations combined. When do you herd animals plan to declare that enough is enough?


And here's a wee little hint for the most sycophantic poster here: peer pressure from a moron is no pressure. Take it - you'll be just a little bit smarter for it, and you can use all the help you can get in that department.



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the military has been a monkey on our fiscal and geo-political back - a national, imperial addiction. Its precisely this kind of unquestioned reverence and sycophantic denigration of those who just don't buy it that keeps the addiction, and the blank check that goes with it, strong. We possess 40% of the worlds weapons. Our military is larger than then next 10 nations combined.


The fact that we are in total agreement on this part in no way diminishes what a fucked up piece of shit egotistical dickhead you are and apparently want to remain.

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My father was on a gun crew, with Lenny Bruce, no less, on the cruiser USS Brooklyn, in the Med during WWII. He mostly shelled French people, until the ship struck a mine, backed up, and struck another. It was later sold to the Argentines, who ran it aground and sank it accidentally. He wound up spending 30 years in the Navy before taking advantage of the GI bill to go to college (he never finished high school), then law school.


Since that noble war ended the military has been a monkey on our fiscal and geo-political back - a national, imperial addiction. Its precisely this kind of unquestioned reverence and sycophantic denigration of those who just don't buy it that keeps the addiction, and the blank check that goes with it, strong. We possess 40% of the worlds weapons. Our military is larger than then next 10 nations combined. When do you herd animals plan to declare that enough is enough?


And here's a wee little hint for the most sycophantic poster here: peer pressure from a moron is no pressure. Take it - you'll be just a little bit smarter for it, and you can use all the help you can get in that department.



That explains so much..... link

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holy shit, here's an example of choosing a real, real bad name and havign it come back to bite you!


66 years ago today, and all 359 men still inexplicably listed as "missing"? :noway:




Great find and good read, ivan. I knew about the Port Chicago explosion and the resultant dock workers' "mutiny", but the USS Mt. Hood obliteration was a new on on me.

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Bruce did want out of the Navy - it's in both his biography and autobiography, both of which are good reads.


It was against regs to drop a cigarette butt on deck. My father told a story of how Bruce would tether his cigarette with light fishing line, drop his butt, and when an officer approach, deftly flick it back between his lips.

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My father was on a gun crew, with Lenny Bruce, no less, on the cruiser USS Brooklyn, in the Med during WWII. He mostly shelled French people, until the ship struck a mine, backed up, and struck another. It was later sold to the Argentines, who ran it aground and sank it accidentally. He wound up spending 30 years in the Navy before taking advantage of the GI bill to go to college (he never finished high school), then law school.

It's amazing Mt. Hood type accidents didn't happen with far greater frequency given how old a lot of naval munitions are. In '72 in Vietnam I served on the USS Brooklyn's sister cruiser the USS Providence and spent a year in the 5" gun mount. Most all the rounds we carried and fired were made in the late '30's. Given most of our 16" guns were sunk at Pearl, I'm guessing something like a 20th of the state of New Mexico or somewhere is still stacked to the gills with naval rounds of that size and a shit load of silk powders slowly precipitating nitro crystals on their outer layers.


See my post on ST with pics:




P.S. Just a note that wiki says the Brooklyn went to Chile rather than Argentina. The Providence was decommissioned in '73, I got off her just as they started the process once we got back to the states.


P.P.S. Happy V-day Bill and all you other vets.

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Chile? My memory is already shite! NOOOOO!!!!


The confusion: She was sold to Argentina (Gen Belgrano), then Brazil, then Chile (O'Higgins) - she foundered on her way to the Indian shipwreckers after being sold for scrap.


It would have been awesome to snag some hardware from my dad's 5" gunmount before the Pacific got a hold of her.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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The Belgrano was sunk by the Brits in the Falklands war - half of the Argentine casualties and a cold, miserable, grave in the south atlantic.

Ah, that's what happened to the Phoenix - the last of our ships sunk by the British. City names these days are on Los Angeles class attack subs.


It would have been awesome to snag some hardware from my dad's 5" gunmount before the Pacific got a hold of her.

You could have it, wouldn't want anything out of that mount 'cept maybe a 5" star round, fuse wrench, and cap hammer for emergencies.

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The Belgrano was sunk by the Brits in the Falklands war - half of the Argentine casualties and a cold, miserable, grave in the south atlantic.

Ah, that's what happened to the Phoenix - the last of our ships sunk by the British. City names these days are on Los Angeles class attack subs.

Yes, the Phoenix was sold to Argentina, renamed the General Belgrano, and was sunk by a Brit sub in 1982. wiki


The Brooklyn was transferred to Chile, renamed the O'Higgins, and sank on its way to a scrapyard in India ~40 years later. wiki



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