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I don't think it's out of line at all to label the character of a woman who a) none of us has ever met, b) has spent her career serving her country nursing the wounded, and c) who was decorated twice for evacuating wounded soldiers while under fire - as a shitbag because she had consensual sex with somebody's closeted gay wife. As I'm sure you'll all agree, I know my armchair provides an infallible pulpit for issuing such proclamations.

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I'm sure nitrox supports kicking out all soldiers who have adulterous or immoral sexual relationships, especially combat troops utilizing the services of prostitutes during wartime.


No, no, no, Rob, you've got Nitrox all wrong. He has nothing at all against gays (he even said so, so you know it's true)...as long as they continue to STFU. It's only the uppity ones that he believes need to be punished.

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Anyone who reads anything that asscrakanalia or Ivan has to say is stupider than fuck because those guys are total shit dicks squared. LOSERS.

holy shit, and here i am all day figuring i ain't doing anythign right...


so what's yer enlightened opinion on the issue then, not fully retarded boy?

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I don't think it's out of line at all to label the character of a woman who a) none of us has ever met, b) has spent her career serving her country nursing the wounded, and c) who was decorated twice for evacuating wounded soldiers while under fire - as a shitbag because she had consensual sex with somebody's closeted gay wife. As I'm sure you'll all agree, I know my armchair provides an infallible pulpit for issuing such proclamations.


Its both funny and disingenuous to see you try to act as though you suddenly care about soldiers or servicemen. You are only defending this person person because anything less puts the ACLU in the light of an opportunistic selfserving organization that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars forcing the Airforce to take back an unfit officer. Its obvious this case was never about Maj Witt, as you said.


Just because someone is a decorated serviceman doesn't mean they are less of a shitbird. I served with a soldier that received a few decorations right before he was sentenced to five years in a military prison for stealing from fellow soldiers.


While in the service I watched soldiers put out for DADT, and while I don't agree with DADT in principle I never saw anyone get kicked out for just being gay. The soldiers I saw get the boot were FTA'ing druggy idiots who also like to advertise they were also gay. While DADT was used they were clearly in need of getting discharged regardless of their sexual orientation.


A friend of mine is a retired Marine, we talked about this a few times and he mentioned he chapter'd out a Marine for DADT. Much like the instances I saw, the Marine in question was the same type of druggy shithead who tried to blow his roommate when he thought he was passed out. Being gay was the least of his problems.


In the context of this case, IIRC I believe that Maj Witt concealed the nature of her affairs and it wasn't until the ACLU case that she finally admitted she had been involved with the spouses of fellow airmen. Like the instances I witnessed, Maj Witt also had the tell tail personal problems that initiated her inevitable discharge. She was an officer and as such is/was held to a higher standard than some dumb 19yo enlisted kid. She knew better and still acted counter to the UCMJ that she agreed to abide by when she was voluntarily sworn in as an officer.


There are a few members here that have been through divorce as a result of a spouse's infidelity and I'm sure they can attest to how fucked up it is. Imagine then that the involved party is your boss, coworker, or subordinate and that you can't fire the person or quit your job to escape. There is a damn good reason why Adultery is taken pretty seriously in the military. The fact that it happens frequently has little bearing on how disruptive to a military command and how seriously it is taken when it can be proved. DADT just happened to be the easiest means to get Witt out, and a copout by her command (IMO).



Witt was and is a shitbird, congrats to the ACLU for forcing the Airforce to take her back. Also funny how silent Barry is on this issue. No real surprise to either though.





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"barry" is silent on the issue b/c he's not an idiot - clinton taking the issue on demonstrated the effect it will have on a democratic president- there's enough momentum to fix the injustice w/o him - you don't need DADT to deal w/ adulterers in the army, eh? regardless of this chick being a shitbird, the issue itself is more important. if DADT was dead already, it'd be much easier to deal w/ her, no?


an appropriate h.l. mencken quote for the occasion?


"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."


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