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so let me get this straight


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"Give our wealthy, elitist friends tax breaks or we'll raise taxes for everyone!"


fucking shitheads.


B-HO and his cronies are running the show - if YOUR taxes go up, you should know who to blame.


Fuck you, don't change the subject. We're talking about how the republicans are acting like a bunch of fucktards and are holding the middle-class hostage for the benefit of the obscenely wealthy. Admit that, and then we can move on to B-Ho.

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"Give our wealthy, elitist friends tax breaks or we'll raise taxes for everyone!"


fucking shitheads.


B-HO and his cronies are running the show - if YOUR taxes go up, you should know who to blame.


Fuck you, don't change the subject. We're talking about how the republicans are acting like a bunch of fucktards and are holding the middle-class hostage for the benefit of the obscenely wealthy. Admit that, and then we can move on to B-Ho.


R's are raising YOUR taxes? Wow, that's interesting.


You're a rich fuck and deserved to be taxed up the ass.

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I KNOW! I was shocked that the republicans are trying to raise my taxes, too. But that's what they're doing.


"WAAH! Unless our extremely wealthy friends get tax breaks we're going to raise taxes for everybody! WAAAAH!"


what a punch of piggly-dicked fuckheads.

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We're not talking about health insurance, we're talking about shit-eating republicans and their obvious disdain for anybody but the extreme wealthy. Trying to redirect the subject again, NICE TRY!!! LOLS.


Goddamn, watching you guys debate is like watching a retarded kid poke himself in the eye with a spoon. REDIRECT REDIRECT REDIRECT, HEY LOOK OVER THERE!


When you admit that republiCANTs are acting like a bunch of asshairs, then we can move on to the democrats and THEIR crazy ideas.

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The republicans are going to raise my taxes unless their super-rich buddies get tax breaks? What a bunch of cock-suckers. FUCK YOU REPUBLICANS.


So everyone deserves health care but not everyone deserves a tax break? :laf:


How could those who don't pay enough taxes (and evade them as much as possible) deserve a tax break?

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Do you have a link? What are you referencing Rob? Are you talking about the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 expiring? Or not expiring as the President is suggesting?




The republicans are going to raise my taxes unless their super-rich buddies get tax breaks? What a bunch of cock-suckers. FUCK YOU REPUBLICANS.
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The republicans are going to raise my taxes unless their super-rich buddies get tax breaks? What a bunch of cock-suckers. FUCK YOU REPUBLICANS.


So everyone deserves health care but not everyone deserves a tax break? :laf:


How could those who don't pay enough taxes (and evade them as much as possible) deserve a tax break?


How could those that don't pay taxes deserve a tax break?



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Do you have a link? What are you referencing Rob? Are you talking about the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000 expiring? Or not expiring as the President is suggesting?



Haven;t you been paying attention? The bush tax cuts are expiring, and the democrats are prepared to extend them for everyone making below $250,000 (basically 96-98% of Americans, depending on who you ask). The republicans are blocking this, and will allow all tax cuts to expire, including the middle class (who DO pay taxes, Nitrox, you should wipe the shit out of your ears) unless the top 4% of all american's also get tax cuts.


In other words, if the extreme rich don't get tax cuts, NOBODY does.


And of course the republicans are crying about how these poor fuckers, the top 4% of ALL WAGE EARNERS, are being sooooo mistreated. Give me a break, they'll get a 3-6% tax hike. it's not even really a hike, IT'S WHAT THEY WERE PAYING BEFORE BUSH. And they're gonna fuck us all unless their fat-cat eunuch brothers get some of the pie.


Fuck the republicans. Shittiest thing they've done in a while. Stupid ass fucking party politics, they just HAVE to oppose whatever the democrats do, right or wrong. The dems are no better, but this thread isn't about them, it's about the pube-flossing inbred shitheads that are holding america hostage because their friend's trough isn't big enough.

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let's be clear -- the republicans are opposing tax cuts for 96-98% of america, because the top 2-4% won't get them. It's obvious that the 2% are more important to them than the 98%. Shitheels. And unless they get their way, EVERYONE'S taxes go up, so they didn't even accomplish anything, they're just being dicks.

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Haven;t you been paying attention? The bush tax cuts are expiring, and the democrats are prepared to extend them for everyone making below $250,000 (basically 96-98% of Americans, depending on who you ask).


I figured they'd look at the massive deficit that is still growing, realize that we need to get that monster under control and then do the right thing on the other side of the equation and the cuts would just expire....for everyone. Shit Rob, it's a Democratic President, and the dems control the House and Senate.


As crazy as it seems, maybe they want to keep borrowing money form China to fund this amazing borrowing binge so that our kids can try to get out of this huge hole and finally pay off the debt 40 years from now.

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