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Minx has some good thoughts on spray




"If it's not climbing related this is where you post it. Here you'll find topics on just about anything and once in a while some good intelligent conversation. Be warned this forum is not for the thin skinned."


Have fun in this somewhat unstructured forum, but it is not a completely "anything goes" kind of place and the tone should not be continual hostility. Further, highly offensive posts such as graphic pornography, overly crude and directly personal attacks, racism, or threats of physical violence will not be allowed.


To a certain extent, what comes around goes around. If a user is talking trash all the time and they get attacked...tough luck; folks who don't troll or attack others should be treated accordingly. Specifically discouraged are unprovoked attacks on new posters who might not yet understand the SPRAY "phenomenon".


Posters who contribute nothing but mean-spirited insults or insist on posting disgusting pictures - even in SPRAY - may become candidates for bannination from the board.


Lets all have fun in SPRAY, but please observe at least some manner of civility even when playing in the mud. We can't draw clear black and white lines for you without risking taking the fun out of it - please use common sense.

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