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PRINCETON, NJ -- The increased conservatism that Gallup first identified among Americans last June persisted throughout the year, so that the final year-end political ideology figures confirm Gallup's initial reporting: conservatives (40%) outnumbered both moderates (36%) and liberals (21%) across the nation in 2009.



Since 1992, there have been only two other years -- 2003 and 2004 -- in which the average percentage of conservatives nationwide outnumbered moderates, and in both cases, it was by two percentage points (in contrast to the current four points).




Watch out J_B or the truth may catch up and spoil your plot.......

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"conservative". does your graph account for what that word really applies to? fiscal? social? WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?

indeed, and the repubs at least since the early 90s have done an excellent job selling hte word "liberal" as meaning "faggot" and "america-hater"


liberalism originally meant extended political rights to all those outside the privileged class - shouldn't we all be liberals?

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These polls mean nothing. Just ask people what they think on issues in terms not framed by the corporate media and you'll find that at least 2/3 of Americans are aligned on progressive positions: against wars of choice, for universal healthcare, for programs like social security, medicare, for minimum wages, for regulation of business and financial industry, for consumer protection, for higher taxes on the rich and capital, etc ...


of course if you ask them "are you for socialist government run health care" or any other framing used 24/7 by the corporate media, they'll answer no.

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I bet the upswing in 'conservative' self-identification as of late is tied to the blitzkrieg of regressive propaganda regarding "balancing the budget" since they want to make sure the peons pay for the excesses of economic elites of the last 30+ years.


It points to the gullibility of TV news watchers who despite tons of evidence don't realize that "fiscal conservative" is an oxymoron. These kinds of polls are the perfect gauge of how well current indoctrination works.

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These polls mean nothing. Just ask people what they think on issues in terms not framed by the corporate media and you'll find that at least 2/3 of Americans are aligned on progressive positions: against wars of choice, for universal healthcare, for programs like social security, medicare, for minimum wages, for regulation of business and financial industry, for consumer protection, for higher taxes on the rich and capital, etc ...


of course if you ask them "are you for socialist government run health care" or any other framing used 24/7 by the corporate media, they'll answer no.


poor j_b, you are on the fringe :wave:

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It is indeed significant that well thought out individuals like me who want stability and peace to promote the well being of everyone are considered "on the fringe" by dominant corporate culture while psycopaths like you who revel in the misery of the rest of the world as long as they can benefit from it are supposed to represent the norm. :shock:


Unwittingly you have illustrated everything that is wrong with establishment propaganda.

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It is indeed significant that well thought out individuals like me who want stability and peace to promote the well being of everyone are considered "on the fringe" by dominant corporate culture while psycopaths like you who revel in the misery of the rest of the world as long as they can benefit from it are supposed to represent the norm. :shock:


Unwittingly you have illustrated everything that is wrong with establishment propaganda.


off your meds again I see...

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The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity ... They believe big government, big business, big media and the affluent professionals are merging to form self-serving oligarchy — with bloated government, unsustainable deficits, high taxes and intrusive regulation.



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yep. These jackasses seamlessly went from supporting perpetual war and trillions dollar corporate boondoggles to pretending they are isolationist and for small government.


Yea jackkasses spewing BS drive me crazy too J_B!


By the way I love his last sentence in the column linked above: "Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement. But I can certainly see its potential to shape the coming decade."


It's even more unbelievable considering he once wrote this:

There is an argument floating around Republican circles that in order to win again, the G.O.P. has to reconnect with the truths of its Goldwater-Reagan glory days. It has to once again be the minimal-government party, the maximal-freedom party, the party of rugged individualism and states’ rights.

This is folly. It’s the wrong diagnosis of current realities and so the wrong prescription for the future



Also I really hated this column:

Run Obama Run!



Edited by Peter_Puget
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Karl Rove, George W. Bush's spin doctor, once defined a great principle of political communication, one of its key tenets - even its very basis - as storytelling, which he himself called Scheherazade's strategy: "When policy dooms you, start telling stories - stories so fabulous, so gripping, so spellbinding that the king (or, in this case, the American citizen who theoretically rules our country) forgets all about a lethal policy."

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yep. These jackasses seamlessly went from supporting perpetual war and trillions dollar corporate boondoggles to pretending they are isolationist and for small government.

Kind of harsh on your buddy Barak there....oh wait, he's still in the first phase and will catch up to the 2nd part later....watch it happen JB.


NYT is a "librul" rag.

Everyone says so.

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yep. These jackasses seamlessly went from supporting perpetual war and trillions dollar corporate boondoggles to pretending they are isolationist and for small government.

Kind of harsh on your buddy Barak there....oh wait, he's still in the first phase and will catch up to the 2nd part later....watch it happen JB.



I have said that my "buddy" Obama was just another corporate pol and I called it a dash-pot presidency to save the status-quo despite systemic failure.


NYT is a "librul" rag.

Everyone says so.


"everyone" says that occupying countries in wars of choice is the "moderate" thing to do too.

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