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Those little bad boyz are nothing to screw around with. Just had a co-worker come down with lyme disease after spending a day humpin brush. Guess you have like 72 hours to get the treatment or ur screwed. From what I hear is most doctors on this side of the hill are clueless they feel it's not a problem round here. Another co-worker went to the hospital with a tick in a jar and a bulls eye on his back and was denied treatment.


Moral of the story have ur significant other check ya down if ur in a tick area. Never know the check down may lead to a little afternoon action provide u are not covered in ticks. Suppose then ur getting lucky twice :wink:


Thanks for the reminder Bill as I am bound to run into those guys this weekend.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I met a guy (yesterday) who worked for Washington Fish and Wildlife for the last 13 years. I explained the problem about Beacon’s bird closure. He basically told me his experience with a lot of the folks in charge of the WFW is that they all are very old school and don’t like change. Most of them have HUGE egos and don’t have the capacity to think outside the box. He was sympathetic to our cause.


He did agree that the trail should be closed if the nest in on Big Ledge or near BL. That is if the bottom line is to protect the birds.


Not that any of this will change anything. It was nice to actually hear from someone inside WFW and not from JH.


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Kevin's wife Maggie is clearly a pro-boner attorney and tough enough to take on any bureaucracy.


I haven't met Kevin's wife Maggie, but I bet she's doesn't like being referred to as pro-boner. Urban Dictionary describes this as


"It's like Pro-Bono which means being, involving, or doing professional and especially legal work donated especially for the public good EXCEPT... Your donating your boner for the public good... cause.. there is no use hiding it That would just be a waste."

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...most of them don’t have the capacity to think outside the box...

Yeah, especially when the 'box' consists of state and federal laws. Maybe consult your attorney wife about your options regarding that 'box', but it's not too tough to figure out what she'd tell you.


He did agree that the trail should be closed if the nest in on Big Ledge or near BL. That is if the bottom line is to protect the birds.

Yes, it should be, but it ain't going to happen. So you and others can lose another 14 years to relentless whining over that lamentable fact, but I for one have better things to do with my life.



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Last Wednesday Alex. Now you're back in!


and please, I think that (from all accounts and as you can see for yourself) this forum was set up exclusively for bitching only....bitching only...so if you could please stay on task sir..... :lmao:

Edited by billcoe
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I'm out of the loop.. Can someone tell me when Beacon opens this summer?


It never closed. Only to rock climbers. If you are pedestrian you can freely walk to the top and get a great view. If you are a climber you have the suck the cock of the WFW and then you still don’t get to climb.


There you go bill……sarcastic bitching.


Have fun Alex.


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It never closed.

This is true, not just the hiking trail has been open the whole time. Didn't Shane P free a new 5.12 (old aid line) or something over this way this winter?

Too far right to see but you can see other folks on routes:



The March? parade pic above but closer up:



Earlier that whatever that was, on a route. time for Ivan shoes:


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first summer trip to the bacon-wand 2day - love the rockfall carnage and wish it would happen on a much bigger scale -t he added light on young warrior base is quite nice and oughta kill off the moss bigtime - now if only that could happen to the entire n side!


took the opportunity to clean off the bird n' fish carcasses off tree ledge, as well as cut brambles out of the base of riverside n' on the corner exit


bill/joe - you gonna keep those hangers on your maintainence anchor? almost would be useful for belaying young warriors last pitch but i bet they're just too annoying...

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bill/joe - you gonna keep those hangers on your maintainence anchor? almost would be useful for belaying young warriors last pitch but i bet they're just too annoying...


You got to be kidding me. I am heading out there tomorrow and am bringing choping shit.

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So begins year 15 of victimal whining...


i don't believe "victimal" is actually a word -- at least i couldn't find it in my dictionary. however, it isn't surprising that someone who freely makes up "facts" whenever he needs one would make up words, too.

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Dude, name a single fact I've made up - it's not my gig.


I'm no english major, maybe you have a better word to describe those who choose to adopt a lifestyle and personna of being persecuted; who revel and wallow with pride in the identity of being a victim?

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