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Building 7 was a fraud


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7 World Trade Center was a 47-story skyscraper that stood across Vesey Street north of the main part of the World Trade Center site. Though not hit by a plane, it was hit by debris from the WTC towers and damaged by fires which burned for seven hours, until it collapsed at about 5:20 p.m. on the evening of September 11. Several videos of the event exist in the public domain thus enabling comparative analysis from different angles of perspective.


Some proponents of World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theories suggest that 7 WTC was demolished because it served as an operational center for the alleged conspiracy, while others believe the government also wanted to destroy key files held there about corporate fraud. According to a statement reported by the BBC, Dylan Avery thinks the building was suspicious because it had some unusual tenants such as a CIA field office and several government agencies. The former chief counter-terrorism adviser to the President, Richard Clarke, does not think that 7 WTC is mysterious, and said that anyone could have rented floor space in the building.[49]


No steel frame high rise had ever before collapsed because of a fire.[50] BBC News reported the collapse of 7 WTC twenty minutes before it actually fell. The BBC has stated that many news sources were reporting the imminent collapse of 7 WTC on the day of the attacks.[51] Jane Standley, the reporter who announced the collapse prematurely, called it a "very small and very honest mistake" caused by her thinking on her feet after being confronted with a report she had no way of checking.[52]


Steven Jones says the debris contained sulfuric compounds, suggesting that thermate, a mixture of thermitic materials and sulfur, might have been used to destroy the building.[53][54] He asserts that videos show a yellow molten substance, which he identifies as iron, splashing off the side of the South Tower about 50 minutes after the airplane's impact. According to Jones, pictures also show white ash of aluminium-oxide, another product of the thermite reaction.[4] Professor Richard Sisson of Worcester Polytechnic Institute thinks the sulfur came from gypsum in the wallboards.[49] The NIST's question and answer page for the 7 WTC investigation also mentions the presence of sulphur in the gypsum wallboard, and states that an analysis of the steel for thermite or thermate would therefore not necessarily be conclusive.[55]


In the PBS documentary America Rebuilds, which aired in September 2002, Larry Silverstein, the owner of 7 WTC and leaseholder and insurance policy holder for the remainder of the WTC Complex, recalled a discussion with the fire department in which doubts about containing the fires were expressed. Silverstein recalled saying, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it". "They made that decision to pull", he recalled, "and we watched the building collapse." Silverstein issued a statement that it was the firefighting team, not the building, that was to be pulled.[49][56][57]



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moronic conspiracy theory bullshit


Dear Moron,


Please examine the National Institute of Standards and Technology World Trade Center Disaster Investigation Website:




...and read the Final Reports of the Federal Building and Fire Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster:




...and the addendum for the collapse of WTC7:




...or at least the abstract of NIST NCSTAR 1-6D: Global Structural Analysis of the Response of the World Trade Center Towers to Impact Damage and Fire:





...but seeing as you have to download the whole article to read the abstract, you might as well look at the whole article.


You can also look at the NIST pentagon report:




...and compare the surveillance video images in the report to the cruise missile explosions in this video:



...or watch this video of Purdue University's computer simulation of the North Tower Collapse:



...or the project website:




..or Zeitgeist:




...and if you still think there was a conspiracy and cover up requiring the complicity and secrecy of tens of thousands of people, list out as many reasons as you can think of for why you are still a moron.


p.s. Please don't breed.

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Nice rebuttal compendium Choada, gonna have to bookmark that for the next time some turdther blabbers at me about what's the best brand of tinfoil to keep the CIA out of my head.


The problem is that there is plenty the government is doing that we really should be worried about; extra-legal surveillance, sneak and peak searches, watch lists, encouraging citizens to report 'suspicious behaviors' (like taking pictures, for example), sharing surveillance information with private corporations...the list is practically endless.


Assclowns who rail about how the Flight 77 was an inside job don't exactly raise the level of awareness about the real shinanigans that a supposedly free society should be worried about.

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The problem is that there is plenty the government is doing that we really should be worried about; extra-legal surveillance, sneak and peak searches, watch lists, encouraging citizens to report 'suspicious behaviors' (like taking pictures, for example), sharing surveillance information with private corporations...the list is practically endless.


Assclowns who rail about how the Flight 77 was an inside job don't exactly raise the level of awareness about the real shinanigans that a supposedly free society should be worried about.


This is why I've always said that "conspiracy theory" is really just an Illuminati plot to keep us in the dark.

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New York to fight terrorism with more street-corner cameras


New York - On the heels of breaking up an alleged bomb terror plot, New York is planning to place high-tech security cameras, license plate readers, and "weapons sensors" in midtown Manhattan.


Office workers and tourists – and possible terrorists – will have cameras watching their every move as they visit Macy's, shop for diamonds at Tiffany & Co., or gawk in Times Square. The apparatus, paid for by some $24 million in Department of Homeland Security funding, will expand a similar effort already underway in lower Manhattan where cameras focus on the Federal Reserve, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Brooklyn Bridge.


Mayor Michael Bloomberg, announcing the program Sunday, said the goal is to detect terrorism threats and deter pre-operational surveillance. Sensors will try to detect chemical, biological, and radiological threats.


But some terrorism experts have questioned whether a camera network will deter terrorists. They also say that sensors are known to give off "false positives."


Meanwhile, civil rights organizations are concerned that the project will be another encroachment on civil liberties.


"The fear is [that] the NYPD without any oversight or public scrutiny is creating a massive surveillance system, when we don't know if this is the best use of $125 million designed to keep us safe," says Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU). The NYCLU has filed two lawsuits to try to get more public information about the program.


In March, New York Police Department (NYPD) commissioner Raymond Kelly indicated in testimony before the City Council that 1,000 police officers are involved in anti-terrorism work daily, and that he hoped to add 500 more cameras to the 500 already installed.


But there did not appear to be any discussion at the hearing about whether the effort is worthwhile or what kind of civil rights safeguards might be needed.


"There are legitimate arguments on all sides here," says Frank Cilluffo, head of George Washington University's Homeland Security Policy Institute in Washington. "What I would like to see is a broader discussion that brings in the average citizen."


Probably the largest use of security cameras is in London, which has put what it terms a "Ring of Steel" of thousands of security cameras all around the city. But some security experts question their effectiveness.


"They won't stop any terrorist," says Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer at BT (formerly British Telecom) and a widely-published author on security. "None of them is going to look at a camera and say 'I better go get a real job.' "


The only time cameras reduce crime is in parking lots and laundromats, Mr. Schneier says.


"It only makes sense if the tactics and targets are few, but there are billions of targets ranging from shopping malls to restaurants and dozens of tactics," he adds.


However, Brian Jackson, associate director of the Homeland Security Research Program at the Rand Institute in Washington, says the cameras create "the possibility for prevention" of an attack. He says cameras add a level of concern for the terrorists.


"Surveillance is one ingredient that gives the terrorists more opportunities to make a mistake and be discovered," says Mr. Jackson.


As for using sensors that detect biological and radiological weapons , Mr. Cilluffo says they often give off false positives or false negatives. "They tend to be only successful in events that can easily be contained like the State of the Union address or conventions," he says. "Once they are in a more dynamic environment, I'm not sure where the science is on that."


But the science of cameras is progressing fast, raising the possibility of even more "Big Brother"-like scenarios.


"Cameras are everywhere and you can see them," says Schneier, "In ten years, you won't even be able to see them."

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Nice rebuttal compendium Choada, gonna have to bookmark that for the next time some turdther blabbers at me about what's the best brand of tinfoil to keep the CIA out of my head.


I'm here for you.


"Zeitgeist" is a piece of shit that some of the conspiracy numb nuts glom on to for some reason. I put it on the list for those that are too dim witted to make sense out of the other links.


The Purdue computer simulation is remarkable.


In my mind, an analysis of the facts is far more interesting than considering any conspiracy theory alternative. Much like contemplating science vs. religion. Religion is a dead end, while science continually brings new things to light. Sadly, many Americans are too dumb to not cling to their ancient mythologies and stupid ideas. I guess it makes more sense and is safer for them to think that what happened on 9/11 could only have taken place if there was a massive conspiracy, and not a couple guys with box knives and a few flying lessons.

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