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people frequently confuse w/ me w/ jeebus, so i'm sure you're mistaken :)


If you really knew Aramaic, you'd know it's Yeshua, not "jeebus".


And it's really interesting how you always insist on bringing His Name into just about any topic. Makes you wonder. Just saying.



KKK do you have little fish emblem on the back of your minivan with the funny writing in it?



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If I thought you had any idea of what you're talking about, I'd play along. But I don't, so goodnight.

uh, okay, perhaps i should turn my ancient-aramaic transalator off? didn't think i was being coy, but perhaps i'm wrong? have you had a head injury lately?

Somehow I doubt that you and Aramaic are closely associated.

people frequently confuse w/ me w/ jeebus, so i'm sure you're mistaken :)

Consoling someone for being celibate for a few years is not necessarily the same as confusing you with "jeebus". But since you are in Oregon I will not bet any money on that.


Consoling someone for being celibate for a few years is not necessarily the same as confusing you with "jeebus". But since you are in Oregon I will not bet any money on that.

perhaps you should turn your aramaic translator off too? i'm only celibate when i'm oregon, which is rare. :)


Consoling someone for being celibate for a few years is not necessarily the same as confusing you with "jeebus". But since you are in Oregon I will not bet any money on that.

perhaps you should turn your aramaic translator off too? i'm only celibate when i'm oregon, which is rare. :)

Ah. I thought you were a teacher in Pertland.

But now I find out you were in fact the whole state.


cool picture - i like the crying judge and the smug teacher fuck on the lower right :)


i'm pretty certain jefferson woulda shit himself if he saw himself at j.c.'s right hand :P

"I am certainly not going to make excuses for the Democratic party. It has none."


Oh, j_b, what ever do you mean, ol' chap? I say.


It’s the same old story, after the populist campaign rhetoric, the congress toadies do the bidding of corporate America despite their mandate to the contrary under the pretense of having to compromise with the agenda of regressives because it is on the front page of the corporate media. The evolution of health care reform is a case in point. At least 2/3 of the public want a strong public option, if not single-payer health care; yet, not only is single-payer not even on the table in congress and in the media but they are trying to pass a public option in name only that won’t take effect until 2013 when it is clear neither the economy nor the people can afford to wait for nothing.


If Obama really wanted to reign in DLC democrats like Baucus to promote a progressive agenda, he’d let them know that they’d be gone after the next election despite their corporate dollars, which wouldn’t be unlikely since they are acting against the wishes of their constituencies. On the contrary, he has said that he wouldn't allow the Democratic party to support challenges to conservative democrats, which speaks volume about the game they are playing.





If guys like KKK had any integrity they'd sit out the next few election cycles. :fahq:

i think the point is, no matter your politics or when, if ever, you vote, the rich own the government and its they that call the shots. the odds of ever changing that are infitesimal, but if it makes anybody feel better, maybe we could rebuild the ole'guillotine and throw down, french style for awhile?


Fortunately, the people that forced change throughout history weren't as pessimistic as you are.


As opposed to the Bush administration that flushed two trillion down a toilet in the mideast and another couple here at home fighting any plausible form of credible financial oversight while wholesale selling the government off to 'contractors' and corporations.


Do we have more moronic 'wit' and 'observations' from the right...?


Although Bushco will be hard to outdo, let's not forget that financial deregulation (hello Rubin, Summers ...) and other neo-liberal policies such as privatization of the military, NAFTA, etc .. also occurred under Clinton, while the current president isn't giving any indication that he is willing to stop the bleeding in Iraq or Afghanistan, or seriously regulate the financial industry that is back to its former trickery. Instead of "as opposed to", the good cop - bad cop routine seems like the more appropriate analogy.



If guys like KKK had any integrity they'd sit out the next few election cycles. :fahq:

i think the point is, no matter your politics or when, if ever, you vote, the rich own the government and its they that call the shots. the odds of ever changing that are infitesimal, but if it makes anybody feel better, maybe we could rebuild the ole'guillotine and throw down, french style for awhile?


Fortunately, the people that forced change throughout history weren't as pessimistic as you are.

more like i'm pessimistic enough to see that not much has changed throughout history

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