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bullshit. I'll denounce the hypocrisy of claiming virtue when it isn't true but I never pounce on someone, whoever they are, for having any kind of extra-marital sex.

unless banging somebody else is an agreed upon constant...there are numerous other ways to deal with a situation...if you cant work through whatever problems there are or nutup and end the relationship...than screwing around behind your spouses back when you made the commitment to forsake all others while you are together...i'm sorry to say...makes you a scumbag...now you can be redeamed from scumbag status...but at the moment or the moment you're so incoveniently caught you're a scumbag...no matter who you are


but yes...the hypocisy elevets your scumbag status


edit: and i'm not "pouncing" nor would "pounce" on somebody for infidelity...i've had a friend who cheated on his wife...now he was and is still a good friend...even though he made a scumbag move and i called him that...but i didnt bail on him as a friend...through their divorce i was still there to help him deal with the reprocussions of his actions...just because you make a scumbag move doesnt mean you should be treated like shit

Edited by t_rutl
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Lettermans now a douchebag


John Ensign. There's a scumbag


Republican Senator abuses power to cover up affair (with female)


"Early last year, Senator John Ensign contacted a small circle of political and corporate supporters back home in Nevada...seeking work for a close friend and top Washington aide, Douglas Hampton.


The job pitch left out one salient fact: the senator was having an affair with Mr. Hampton’s wife, Cynthia, a campaign aide.


In the coming months, the senator arranged for Mr. Hampton to join a political consulting firm .... Mr. Ensign and his staff then repeatedly intervened on the companies’ behalf with federal agencies, often after urging from Mr. Hampton."



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dude, that's pretty righteous but it's a lot more complicated than that. 40% of all marriages end up in divorce, most probably involving some kind of infidelity.

i thought it was like 50%!!


and i'm sure a hefty portion are from infidelity...i guess i've just been fortunate to have things good so far (not married) but happy and would never cross my mind to go elsewhere for some lovin'...so a hard thing to grasp

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dude, that's pretty righteous but it's a lot more complicated than that. 40% of all marriages end up in divorce, most probably involving some kind of infidelity.

i thought it was like 50%!!


and i'm sure a hefty portion are from infidelity...i guess i've just been fortunate to have things good so far (not married) but happy and would never cross my mind to go elsewhere for some lovin'...so a hard thing to grasp


a lot of those divorces are "repeats" (same person divorced multiple times)


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Infidelity Stats


granted from 1999...now say 22% is low becase of the "inherant secrecy" i'm sure but the "approaching 60%" now that it is 2009...please... :rolleyes:


even if something is really messed why not just divorce??


lots of different stats there, notably a wide range of estimates, including this one: Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy).


I can't claim my experience to be absolutely representative but most people I have known something about have had affairs, whether they lived in an urban or rural environment.

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It is not cheating if you are not married

right :rolleyes:


and he wasn't married at the time. Probably there was a reason he did not marry his girlfriend of 23 years until after this affair was over.

still a DB move but in the end its his life and he can live it how he chooses

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In Utah co-eds do it anally so they retain their virginity.

And almost all of them are republicans.

Ask Layton!

Why do we care what a tv talking head does any more than folks on this board?


Or should we start a poll?


An th th th that's all folks.

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