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Welcome to the jungle baby....and your gonna die.


you're = you are. It's called a contraction. Contractions can help you shorten a sentence when it's (it is) appropriate. From what I can tell from the internet it looks like they teach this in 3rd grade. When you do it wrong, you look like a dumbass. Hope this helps.

Edited by prole
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Welcome to the jungle baby....and your gonna die.


you're = you are. It's called a contraction. Contractions can help you shorten a sentence when it's (it is) appropriate. From what I can tell from the internet it looks like they teach this in 3rd grade. When you do it wrong, you look like a dumbass. Hope this helps.


Thank GOD I dont give a fuck about the "spelling cops"


Does that help?

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Welcome to the jungle baby....and your gonna die.


you're = you are. It's called a contraction. Contractions can help you shorten a sentence when it's (it is) appropriate. When you do it wrong, you look like a dumbass. Hope this helps.


you can't squeeze blood from a stone\


Periods come at the end of sentences. They...oh, fuck it.

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Welcome to the jungle baby....and your gonna die.


you're = you are. It's called a contraction. Contractions can help you shorten a sentence when it's (it is) appropriate. When you do it wrong, you look like a dumbass. Hope this helps.


you can't squeeze blood from a stone\


Periods come at the end of sentences. They...oh, fuck it.


You'd be an expert on when periods come.

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I don't care if it's broke. What's wrong with the service?

i don't know that there's anything wrong w/ the service - it seems to get junk mail to my house plenty efficently - the only thing i ever mail is my montly payment to The Man, and he seems to be getting it :)

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here's a question i've not heard even a BS answer to: if all the folks on the right are so convinced that the governemtn is a bunch of fuck-ups incapable of doing anything right, why are they afraid that a private insurance company wouldn't be able to compete w/ a government run one? it'll be just like the post office right, so everyone will use the UPS equiavalent right?

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here's a question i've not heard even a BS answer to: if all the folks on the right are so convinced that the governemtn is a bunch of fuck-ups incapable of doing anything right, why are they afraid that a private insurance company wouldn't be able to compete w/ a government run one? it'll be just like the post office right, so everyone will use the UPS equiavalent right?



Ivan....how dare you ask a relevant question

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here's a question i've not heard even a BS answer to: if all the folks on the right are so convinced that the governemtn is a bunch of fuck-ups incapable of doing anything right, why are they afraid that a private insurance company wouldn't be able to compete w/ a government run one?


The government will support the public one even as it fucks up and fails. You can't "compete" with "unlimited" resources propped up by endless resources (our taxes).


Costs will not go down with this shitty idea of nationalizing health insurance. They will go up.



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1 in 5 Oregonians are without insurance - the private healthcare industry is a complete failure from the perspective of the comparative advantage of nations. It's really more an issue of how our nation competes on the world stage than about the bullshit fear-mongering the right would have you believe. As it stands right now, the U.S. isn't competitive with a private healthcare system and never will be.

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The government will support the public one even as it fucks up and fails. You can't "compete" with "unlimited" resources propped up by endless resources (our taxes).


You continue to prove yourself to be an idiot. Why this is one of your apparent needs remains a mystery.


We already have a highly successful version of the complete public option...and have for many decades. It's called the military.


We also a highly successful version of single payer: Medicare.


Both have worked very well in the 50 or so industrialized nations that have gone to them. Their costs, on average, are half of what ours are per capita.


Does someone really need to walk you through the cost savings of vastly simplified, standardized billing systems (18% for administrative costs in the U.S., 5% on average everywhere else) and the leverage of high volume buying power?


Do us all a favor and STFU until you have a clue about something...anything.






Edited by tvashtarkatena
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The government will support the public one even as it fucks up and fails. You can't "compete" with "unlimited" resources propped up by endless resources (our taxes).


Costs will not go down with this shitty idea of nationalizing health insurance. They will go up.


unlimited support for the post office has niether driven ups or fedex out of business nor increased their prices (fuel costs sure have though)


state support for public universities and secondary schools has not driven private universities out of existence or ruined their quality (and, on that topic, there are no small # of excellent public schools out there, so the gov can do some shit right, yes?)


furthermore, medicaid/medicare have not been hopeless fuck ups propped up by endless taxes


speaking of propping up hopeless causes w/ endless taxes though, how's that afghanistan thing coming along? supposedly iraq's fine now too, so we can leave, right?

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My experience with the military and it's adjunct corporations is that they are very efficient and low cost. Take USAA insurance, for example, the one that enjoys a 'semi monopoly' providing policies to military folks. Absolutely, bar none, the best in the business. No one who has USAA will disagree, here. I grew up in a military family. You get hurt or sick, you go get care. There is was zero worry, and no billing fuck ups and hassles. I realize that a war time military can be one snafu after the next, but during my time a the peace time Navy I was always impressed at how smoothly and efficiently the day to day things hummed along.


It's specious and not a little stupid to compare the failure of a government project which was doomed from the start, such as Iraq, with routine, day to day functions such as providing health care (which the government has been doing a much better job of than private industry for decades, now).


But these stone stupid slogans are all the Right's got, because its cow-eyed foot soldiers don't have the capacity to realize that they are just so many tools for corporate interests who's sole interest is to fleece the populace in a non-partisan fashion. They realize that their mouths are open wide 'in protest' (of what, they don't really seem to be able to articulate); they don't realize that there's a big, fat corporate cock in it.

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