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Beacon Rock , picture stoke, YW & Blue Bird


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Is Beacon better than it looks because it looks like a shit-hole.


are you as dumb as you sound because you sound like a shithead.


Nah, no need for that as the pictures really don't show the inner beauty. Pete, it's the best stuff around here so we make due. There are some super long, super fun splitter cracks on the south side that stay (relatively) clean.

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I'm sure its better than it looks, and some of those pictures show some nice cracks. I was just trying to bait K-Bone.


You guys sure get defensive about the place.


I think I know why folks are defensive. In Washington/Seattle, within a day, are multiple amazing areas/climbs/Mts. It's like there are these pretty young virgins seducing you dudes EVERYWHERE! As represented by this picture below: F_200701_January13biz_8256a.jpg


Down here, in contrast, there is very little nothing that can compare. It can be related to a guy marrying a fat and mean bitch. Knowing that your brothers up North are hanging with the 47 Vestal Virgins makes one sensitive to having married her, and when she is criticized, the dude who made the mistake gets sensitive.....after all, she is his wife.

Seen represented here:




This is exaserbated and seen even on this board in that folks who want to go do other stuff, as in find and climb new cliffs, often get criticized by their brothers and called "ego maniacs under the guise of community service" or they are accused of making climbing "consumable", as if climbing is edible panties and it's going to disappear. To illustrate a small sub-set of this thought, in this very picture of Beacon (top one) that Kevin posted, there is climbable rock in the background which I would wager few -if any - posting here have climbed on. I can assure you that if you go there and dare to place some bolts on that solid rock, and it IS solid, you will be sadly criticized...by those who would rather armchair quarterback from their comfortable old armchair (Beacon) than get out, explore and try something new and thus expand the opportunities available to all.[/RANT]



Yet Beacon STILL outshines all others around here (review lower picture of elderly woman for reference), and this is Kevin's great thread which we shouldn't be steering off the cliff into spray oblivion (sorry about my part of that). Like it said in the Jeff Thomas guidebook and it still gets quoted 26 years later: "As the saying goes "it's the best place to climb in Oregon, even if it is in Washington."

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Exactly. So you portlanders shouldn't complain about lack of nearby climbing opportunities. From what I understand you also have local bouldering and a couple other shit hole crags. Seattle has UW Practice Rock.

what about the renton granite? :)


pdx is much better set up for close cragging - beacon, broughtons and madrone are all stellar, and all less than a 1/2 hr of driving for me - it was you who was hatingn on our fine stone, ya big meanie!

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Little Si with sport climbs up to 5.14; excellent bouldering 45 minutes away at Gold Bar; 2 hours to Leavenworth, world class; 1.5 hours to climbing at another top shelf sporto crag, index 1 hour....


damn, not too bad in my book.


oh and UW Practice Rock to boot.

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