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Making moss Grafitti


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I thought this was interesting:








"How to Make Moss Graffiti


Moss graffiti, also called eco-graffiti or green graffiti, replaces spray paint, paint-markers or other such toxic chemicals and paints with a paintbrush and a moss "paint" that can grow on its own. As people become more eco-friendly and environmentally aware, the idea of making living, breathing graffiti has become a more green and creative outlet for graffiti artists. It can also be considered another form of guerrilla gardening.


* One or two clumps (about a small handful) of moss

* 2 cups of buttermilk (here's how to make your own)

o you can also substitute with yogurt (here's how to make your own) (vegan yogurt can be used)

* 2 cups of water (or beer)

* 1/2 tsp. sugar

* Corn syrup (optional)

1. Gather up as much moss as you can find or buy.

2. Wash the moss to get as much soil out of the roots as possible.

3. Break the moss apart into manageable pieces and place in blender.

4. Add the buttermilk/yogurt, water/beer and sugar. Blend the mixture until completely smooth. You'll want it to have a paint-like texture. If the mixture is at a consistency where you feel it will drip, add corn syrup until the consistency you desire is reached.

5. Use a paintbrush to apply the moss-paint to the surface on which you wish your design to grow.

6. If possible, check back weekly to either spray the design with water (to encourage moss growth, especially if you live in a dry environment) or apply more moss-paint."




At my sons high school, a furor erupted when a local right wing radio talk show host found out that some students had put some peace sign artwork in the windows and the administration had allowed it to stay. The host, Lars Larsen, daily was effectively asking and then later demanding, that pro-war art and posters be allowed by the school admin's right next to the peace signs. I saw these posters every morning as I dropped my boy off at school as it was right on my way to work. They were out of the way, on the second story, and hardly noticeable on the back side of the school. I tuned in to the radio show and heard some of these anti-peace sign rants from Lars, who is a pretty good talking head I'll grant anyone: much better than that one trick pony Rush. So eventually the peace signs were removed.


In the dark of night a while later, a group of students, by way of protest against the Iraq war and a certain local radio talk show host, planted flowers in the form of a huge peace sign maybe 60 feet across. The administration asked for the culprits to admit they did this and one senior girl honestly and naively admitted that she helped. When this otherwise straight arrow kid wouldn't rat out the others, this thing quickly got blown out of proportion as well when she was expelled and told she would not be getting a diploma by way of payment for her honesty of stepping forward and her integrity of not telling on her friends. A public furor resulted and the administration backed down and said they would allow her to graduate only if she dug up the flowers and planted grass: on her own time. The requisite grass was bought and folks lined up to help on evening, and in short order the flowers were out, the grass was back and the graduation was back on track.


Yet, clever girl, she got the last laugh as they planted a species of grass guaranteed to fail in this climate, and even if it could be coaxed to grow, was a different color than the old stuff.


Taaa Daa!

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I once trained a slug to write "STFU" in slime.

Unfortunately, he was stepped on.

So his last statement looked like a drawing of an asshole.


If your boyfriend used a condom, your ass wouldn't be slimy like that.

You have sprouted a new, akhalteke-style, personality.

Unless someone with clearance has hacked their way into our emails and violated the public trust.

I accuse you of being an akhalteke-nodder.

Far more boring than the sum of its parts.

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I finally, got a day off, and you know what I did? I got up early before Joyce got back in and I went down to the market to do a little shopping, and maybe I was crazy. I walked through the market and instead of getting a nice red steak or even a bit of frying chicken, you know what I did? I hit snake-eyes and walked over to the Oriental section and began filling my basket full of octopi, sea-spiders, snails, seaweed and so forth. The clerk gave me a strange look and began ringing it up. When Joyce came home that night, I had it all on the table, ready. Cooked seaweed mixed with a dash of sea-spider, and piles of little golden, fried-in-butter snails. I took her into the kitchen and showed her the stuff on the table. "I've cooked this in your honor," I said, "in dedication of our love." "What the hell's that shit?" she asked. "Snails." "Snails?" "Yes, don't you realize that for many centuries Orientals have thrived upon this and the like? Let us honor them and honor ourselves. It's fried in butter." Joyce came in and sat down. I started snapping snails into my mouth. "God damn, they are good, baby! TRY ONE!" Joyce reached down and forked one into her mouth while looking at the others on her plate. I jammed in a big mouthful of delicious seaweed. "Good, huh, baby?" She chewed the snail in her mouth. "Fried in golden butter!" I picked up a few with my hand, tossed them into my mouth. "The centuries are on our side, babe. We can't go wrong!" She finally swallowed hers. Then examined the others on her plate. "They all have tiny little assholes! It's horrible! Horrible!" 52 "What's horrible about assholes, baby?" She held a napkin to her mouth. Got up and ran to the bathroom. She began vomiting. I hollered in from the kitchen: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ASSHOLES, BABY? YOU'VE GOT AN ASSHOLE, I'VE GOT AN ASSHOLE! YOU GO TO THE STORE AND BUY A PORTERHOUSE STEAK, THAT HAD AN ASSHOLE! ASSHOLES COVER THE EARTH! IN A WAY TREES HAVE ASSHOLES BUT YOU CAN'T FIND THEM, THEY JUST DROP THEIR LEAVES. YOUR ASSHOLE, MY ASSHOLE, THE WORLD IS FULL OF BILLIONS OF ASSHOLES. THE PRESIDENT HAS AN ASSHOLE, THE CARWASH BOY HAS AN ASSHOLE, THE JUDGE AND THE MURDERER HAVE ASSHOLES ... EVEN PURPLE STICKPIN HAS AN ASSHOLE!" "Oh stop it! STOP IT!" She heaved again. Small town.

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* One or two clumps (about a small handful) of moss

* 2 cups of buttermilk (here's how to make your own)

o you can also substitute with yogurt (here's how to make your own) (vegan yogurt can be used)

* 2 cups of water (or beer)

* 1/2 tsp. sugar

* Corn syrup (optional)

1. Gather up as much moss as you can find or buy.

2. Wash the moss to get as much soil out of the roots as possible.

3. Break the moss apart into manageable pieces and place in blender.

4. Add the buttermilk/yogurt, water/beer and sugar. Blend the mixture until completely smooth. You'll want it to have a paint-like texture. If the mixture is at a consistency where you feel it will drip, add corn syrup until the consistency you desire is reached.

5. Use a paintbrush to apply the moss-paint to the surface on which you wish your design to grow.

6. If possible, check back weekly to either spray the design with water (to encourage moss growth, especially if you live in a dry environment) or apply more moss-paint."


7. Apply liberally with a paint sprayer to your least favorite grid-bolted sport-crag in late-October.

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* One or two clumps (about a small handful) of moss

* 2 cups of buttermilk (here's how to make your own)

o you can also substitute with yogurt (here's how to make your own) (vegan yogurt can be used)

* 2 cups of water (or beer)

* 1/2 tsp. sugar

* Corn syrup (optional)

1. Gather up as much moss as you can find or buy.

2. Wash the moss to get as much soil out of the roots as possible.

3. Break the moss apart into manageable pieces and place in blender.

4. Add the buttermilk/yogurt, water/beer and sugar. Blend the mixture until completely smooth. You'll want it to have a paint-like texture. If the mixture is at a consistency where you feel it will drip, add corn syrup until the consistency you desire is reached.

5. Use a paintbrush to apply the moss-paint to the surface on which you wish your design to grow.

6. If possible, check back weekly to either spray the design with water (to encourage moss growth, especially if you live in a dry environment) or apply more moss-paint."


7. Apply liberally with a paint sprayer to your least favorite grid-bolted sport-crag in late-October.


And then it will look like a Portland destination crag?

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