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Whose to say?


Well, I suppose I am gonna call it at that. If you want to say that it is ok to verbally harass a 1 year old child with down syndrome, falsely claim military service in a special ops unit and run out anyone with differing ideals, you guys will all be alone. Why Fairweather sticks around here, I will never know. You have chased out everyother person with dissenting views (save Pope and Dwayner) and you have turned a pretty fun place in to a sea of homo-erotica and verbal masterbation. If anyof you had the nuts to say what you say now in public, I would think better of you, but as I have climbed with many of you and have never heard this shit in person, I must assume that you merely lack the guts to live the lives you portray on this website.


Wish you all the best in your computer fantasy land. Have fun in your endeavors gentlemen.



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Whose to say?


Well, I suppose I am gonna call it at that. If you want to say that it is ok to verbally harass a 1 year old child with down syndrome, falsely claim military service in a special ops unit and run out anyone with differing ideals, you guys will all be alone. Why Fairweather sticks around here, I will never know. You have chased out everyother person with dissenting views (save Pope and Dwayner) and you have turned a pretty fun place in to a sea of homo-erotica and verbal masterbation. If anyof you had the nuts to say what you say now in public, I would think better of you, but as I have climbed with many of you and have never heard this shit in person, I must assume that you merely lack the guts to live the lives you portray on this website.


Wish you all the best in your computer fantasy land. Have fun in your endeavors gentlemen.





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And on that note...



A vandalized sign outside the office of Rep. David Scott, D-Ga., is shown Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 in Smyrna, Ga. Scott had a contentious community meeting on health care last week. Scott, who is black, said the swastika is the latest example of what he believes is an increasingly hateful and racist debate over reforming health care. The Atlanta lawmaker said he also has received mail in recent days that used N-word references to him, and that characterized President Barack Obama as a Marxist.-- AP 8/10/09
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I see single payer as a confiscation and am willing to fight (politically or physically) it.


After seeing these photos, this statement takes on a new dimension. Fellow travelers, Fairweather?


Should be right up your alley Prole: Workers of the World Unite!


How do you mean?

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If you haven't done anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.


Sound familiar?


So I take it you are all for this new policy because of the originator? I have nothing to hide, the gov. knows everything there is to know about me. Just wondered if there would be the outrage that there was when Bush was pulling this kinda shit. Guess I was right. :/


No, my quote was exactly the response given by conservatives to those who raised concerns when the Bush admin wanted to eavesdrop on American citizens and tap phones.

For the record I think it's completely legitimate, warranted in fact, to question what the Obama admin intends to do with the information it's requesting, but the context of the issue is a bit different in this case.


I admit I'm skeptical of the Obama health care proposals but I do want to see something pass that addresses the problems with the system. The Republicans clearly have nothing to offer on the issue...





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Like members of Congress, I don't have time to read a 1000 page bill; since I'm sure you have read it, can you summarize it?


Probably I can guess what it encompasses though. The same thing that whatever Obama ends up passing will do: extend the status quo to the insurance companies and a continued increase in prices?


And how come we aren't hearing this being promoted by Republicans? You'd think there would be some counter-point being emphasized rather than simple obstruction.

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Like members of Congress, I don't have time to read a 1000 page bill; since I'm sure you have read it, can you summarize it?


1000 pages of obfuscated legalise babble. Nobody but a herd of lawyers can (or will) even attempt to read that POS.



yes but its a Republican plan therefore like any good partisan he hasn't read it either, he just knows it has to be good.


On that note, i got a good laugh listening to Hannity along with Ann Coulter and Dick Morris "analyze" each line of Obama's plan yesterday. Like you said, those bills are pretty complicated but thank goodness we had such impartial legal 'experts' on the case to decipher it for us laymen. Hey you'll never guess what their findings were!?




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