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What the Republicans ought to be doing...


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If they really wanted to help, Republicans might take this advice and thus become a serious opposition party.


Brooks on Republicans


'Republicans could point out that this crisis is not just an opportunity to do other things'


'Republicans could admit that they don’t know what the future holds'


'Republicans could offer the public a realistic appraisal of the health of capitalism'


'Republicans could get out in front of this crisis for once'


'Republicans could make it clear that that the emergency has to be followed by an era of balance'

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More things the Reps could be doing:


Getting behind sustainable policies for once (so they can point out that the bail out is clearly not that)


Dropping their love affair with no-questions-asked military spending (see above).


Getting behind a health care system that covers everyone. We're the last civilzed nation on earth to do so. Come fucking on. The current system is, by nature, cruel. What would be so bad about letting folks in on the federal employees program?


Commit mass suicide.

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Patrick McHenry, a key republican strategist, clearly spelled out what they were going to do until 2010:


“We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every day, and every week, until November 2010. Our goal is to bring down approval numbers for [speaker Nancy] Pelosi and for House Democrats. That will take repetition. This is a marathon, not a sprint.”



In other words, only expect obstructionism and lying propaganda peddled daily by the corporate media while the world economy goes down the shitter. We can only hope this means the end of these neanderthals but there are reasons to be concerned.



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quit acting like their birthright has been taken away. reset your clocks to 2009 and understand that based on the results of your actions over the previous 8 years you are now the minority opinion in this country.




The R's problems have nothing to do with having a platform that is in the "minority opinion". It has a lot to do with not acting like R's or standing for anything they claimed to. As spendthrifts they have no differentiation from the D's. Now the R's need to act like an opposition party until they can actually convince voters to trust them again - whether that be in 4 years or 20.



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What the Republicans out to do is start getting ready for the coming End of Days...which will happen when I roundhouse kick the universe into a collision with one of our neighboring universes, starting off a chain reaction....just as I laid out on the memo.



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All of this liberal 'concern' for the fate of the Republican party is really heartwarming, guys. If only you would show like concern for Barak Obama's growing string of broken promises regarding earmarks, transparency, taxes, lobbying, Iraq, ethics, ..., ..., ...


Oh, I assure you, we have zero concern for your party. Watching it sink under the waves, hemorraging from its uncountable self-inflicted wounds has been one of the supreme pleasures of my life. Discussing what the GOP should do to regain some of its lost popularity is only entertaining because we know that the party will do exactly the opposite. Remember, this is a party unable to navigate the problems of the real world.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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