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rei shit-show


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i was just at the rei "garage sale" in the ham. the opening line was hundreds of feet long. it seemed like most of the stuff on sale was broken crap that rei was trying to move for top$. - I almost bought a bd headlamp, but then noticed that it didnt work, and the tag said it goes on and off randomly -- and they were trying to sell it for 10$! i ended up finding a couple odds and ends - it was funny watching people aggressively rumage through piles of shit - feverishly scanning the sales racks which were ripe with worthless defective crap.

Edited by danhelmstadter
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Seems to be hit and miss. I've scored $100 trekking poles fully functional for $10, inflatable sleeping pads for $5 that just needed a little patch, and my GF got a brand new XC ski setup for $100 that would have retailed for $200-250. And the list indeed goes on, better luck next time.

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crampons for $20 - sold on eBay for $80

cookset for $3 - have used for 8 years now

propane stove for $8 - awesome for basecamp

tent for $50 - returned to MFR to replace broken pole, works great

boots for $40 - lasted years


there are some great deals to be had, pays to live in a deluxe area (Washington, DC was exceptional in this respect, San Jose CA quite good as well). Cheaper areas like PDX, Bellingham, etc. are not so good.

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I got two pair of smartwool socks for 2.93, a pile vest with a hood for 4.93, a pair of Superfeet for my daughter for 4.98, and a headlamp just like dans that required a little dab of seem sealer and now works just fine.


It was a zoo though. There were a few instances of flaring tempers. None as bad a spray though.

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The REI basement rocks. No crowds, either.


Although the basement's been good to me, REI should stiffen it's return policy and start telling people who've used up their gear than tried to return it, or those how can't hit something with a spot of crazy glue and move on to fuck off. The basement's full of boots with 500 miles on them that 'don't fit right'. Way to many douchebags take advantage of it.

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REI went downhill in 1998. That was the year the managment decided to use a "big brother" program also known as a secret shopper. The employees are jugded on how they speak with customers. They thought they were making it a better place to shop.....instead most of the regular shoppers quit going there because of how many times you get asked "are you a member".

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you get asked "are you a member".


No shit. That drives me nuts. Next time I'm there and someone asks me if I'm member, I'm going to ask them to "guess how many times I've been asked that?" I guess they probably know it absurd, too.


It's annoying in the same way "flair" from Office Space is annoying: All of the sudden, you realize you're being sold by some freshman at Western that is "really into trail running and the YMCA rockwall."


Die punk!


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One day i walked into REI when i was looking to rent a pair of boots for ice climbing when i found a brand new pair of Scrapa Invernos (size 14) for $64 bucks who could say no? I also bought a BD raven pro for 75. Most of there stuff is overpriced but if i look under the rocks and leaves i can some times find some good deals...

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Perhaps I was being a bit cynical about the "garage sale". There were - I suppose deals to be had... My expectations were too high, especially since I had specific gear in mind that I was looking for - and found - but it turned out to be at the overpriced-sucker end of the price range. As for the headlamp I described, and much of the other bunk shit I surveyed -- sure you could fuck around with duck tape and glue, but I already have too much of that crap, and something like that headlamp that worked intermitantly -- may not have been an easy fix, it could'av been, but I didn't feel it was worth the gamble.

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