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Worst President Ever


Worst President Ever...  

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  1. 1. Worst President Ever...

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Today, we botch an operation like that about once a day.


You got a big mouth son. Would you please state where you get this information from? Dying to hear it. :wave:


right!! wabbout uss cole, we nailed that fine!


and wtc renov project? textbook!


thAT rescue had to fail for political reasons.it did.

and carter never recovered from the media barrage that ensued, same as the clintons.

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Don't forget the small statistics, which are often the most striking. According to John Pike, the head of the research group GlobalSecurity.org, an estimated 250,000 bullets have been fired for every insurgent killed in Iraq. That's not just a waste of ammunition; it's also a reflection of how badly the country has been damaged and how indiscriminate some of the fighting has been. Or take another straw in the wind: The cost of a coffin in Baghdad has risen to $50-75, up from just $5-10 before the war, according to the Nation magazine.



TO QUOTE dumb and dumber:" you're a really bad shot"

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I can understand Wilson, the MF who was going to keep us out of WW1. However, how did we make a full page with no Warren Harding (not the climber) or Herbert Hoover? Bush isn't even on the same page.


Forgotten terms?


"Teapot Dome Scandal" "Hooverville"!


Mal-con got Buchanan, he's on the list too.

Edited by billcoe
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Why is this even in question? Bush is clearly the worst president ever. He is a criminal and should be behind bars. 8 years of failed policies and massive dept. The worst of it is the occupation. Bush has sent over 4200 of our military to there death. And for what? We still dont know.

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It's called Iraq.


Where in Iraq did you get this information? 'Cause I have a little experience with the place.


I think the distinction needs to be made about who is screwing up. With some exceptions, it's not the poor troops on the ground. They are doing what they are asked to do within the best of their abilities and with limited resources.


The overall strategy is what is screwed up. We now have two failed states, Iraq and Afganistan - with another more serious one teetering on failing - Pakistan. Had we gone into Afghanistan and got Bin Laden and crushed the Taliban, and actually rebuild the country as we promised. Things would look quite different. We have less than 25% of the troops that we have in Iraq in Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is much larger, more remote, and harder to defend. Because of the build up of the Taliban in the Pakistan Tribal Lands they are now strong enough to threaten Islamabad. Don't forget that Pakistan has nukes.


So with all this work, all done at the direction of the Idiot, doesn't qualify for the top 5 foreign policy blunders ever you can move to the domestic front for more bliss:


No energy policy when we needed it


Systematic gutting of environmental policy


Placement of political hacks in important policy positions in Justice, Interior, Energy, etc departments.


World vision - he we're the clowns now.


Slack regulations as a mantra - excellent results in financial and economic front


A huge budget hole that has left us unable to attack real issues - infrastructure, health care, energy independence.


Torture, illegal wiretaps on public, signing statements king


Really - this could go on a while.


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...thAT (Iran hostage) rescue had to fail for political reasons.it did.
Parenthetical and emphasis added by sobo


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, do you? Why don't you try reading a few books once in a while instead of always talking out of your ass? What you're suggesting is that the helo pilot intentionally crashed into the C-130 transport, purposefully causing the explosion and ensuing fireball that killed those 8 guys. And just so you know, Carter himself approved Col. Beckwith's recommendation to abort the mission after the minimum number of choppers fell below six units to only five (Beckwith had insisted that the mission required at least 6 fully operational helos). So by extension you're also saying that Carter himself rigged the failure of the entire mission and got those guys killed. My, that's a real humdinger if you're in politics and looking to get re-elected, eh? You're a bigger conspiracy idiot than I thought.

Pssssst! Here's some more news for ya... we really did land men on the moon...




and carter never recovered from the media barrage that ensued, same as the clintons.

You're right about Carter, but Billy made his own bed, and then slept in it.

My what a pun that turned out to be, eh?

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