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Wondering what their houses are made of is a good question, but perhaps they live in adobes. The only problem I see with adobe is one needs to be careful harvesting the clay so you don't dig a huge pit and damage the earth.


The question I have is what do they wipe their asses with after they shit. Toilet paper is obviously bad bad bad. A sponge might substitute, but where did the sponge come from?


In the video they're wearing pile jackets. That's made from oil, and ya gotta drill for that.

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They probably live in Cary, NC a suburb similar to Mill Creek. They would fit right in at y'alls pub clubs.


years ago, when i was in Eugene, there was a guy who lived in my apartment complex (low-rent student housing) who carefully cultivated the eco schtik (sp?).


he had the correct sartorial habits, wore his hair the right way, owned an old combi-van that was plastered with 'love your mother' and 'gaia' stickers.


problem was, his combi-van spewed clouds of blue smoke, and he drove it everywhere...

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