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Scott. Lets go in order....



Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned.

Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned.

Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned. Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned. Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned. Scott makes and ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned.


just a thought.....you might want to let the big boy's have the world view converstations around here. Now go play in the sand box with the cat.....



You might want to review your grammar in the above post. Just saying. Apparently we threw you in over your head with the reading.

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Nice catch Scott.....thank god I dont go around telling people i am a good speller. I would be in real trouble.


I guess the difference is I can always learn to edit my posts better were you will always be an asshole.




I was born an asshole, made an asshole and will likely die an asshole. Wouldn't have it anyother way.


You on the otherhand were born a dumbass, will die a dumbass; yet you try to act like you know what is going on. Kinda sad really.






If I weren't such an asshole, I might actually give a flying fuck.

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Nice catch Scott.....thank god I dont go around telling people i am a good speller. I would be in real trouble.


I guess the difference is I can always learn to edit my posts better were you will always be an asshole.




I was born an asshole, made an asshole and will likely die an asshole. Wouldn't have it anyother way.


You on the otherhand were born a dumbass, will die a dumbass; yet you try to act like you know what is going on. Kinda sad really.






If I weren't such an asshole, I might actually give a flying fuck.





you have been trolled bro.....I am actually a republican and a huge bush supporter..... :wazup::grin:

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Nice catch Scott.....thank god I dont go around telling people i am a good speller. I would be in real trouble.


I guess the difference is I can always learn to edit my posts better were you will always be an asshole.




I was born an asshole, made an asshole and will likely die an asshole. Wouldn't have it anyother way.


You on the otherhand were born a dumbass, will die a dumbass; yet you try to act like you know what is going on. Kinda sad really.






If I weren't such an asshole, I might actually give a flying fuck.





you have been trolled bro.....I am actually a republican and a huge bush supporter..... :wazup::grin:

I am not a bush supporter dumbass. don't try to play that shit off. i was on this site before you even started wiping your own ass. i have watched bitches like you try and pull the psuedo-troll card out a few times before. nice try though homo.

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I am calling your huge amount of bullshit you spew forth.....You are too a bush supporter. You sure speak like a republican.....reread your post to me.....sound pretty elitist to me.....


:lmao: please do. re-read my posts. The only thing I said anything about was how much of a dumbass you are. :lmao:

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I am a simpleton (as KKK puts it) and I might know much about anything…..but I do have eye’s…..


Bush is the same as Hitler for the most part. The only difference is bush has not killed as many people (Yet) …..His term is not over yet (Iran)??? It is absolutely, astonishingly mind boggling that someone could know the outcome of the last 7 and a half years and is still ok with there vote. Your vote (along with others) has dismantled the constitution. Is that OK with you? Is it?


Bush has broken the law, which is not disputable, and now wants immunity along with the other criminals (telecom companies). Is that OK with you? Is it?



You are entitled to your opinion….as am I.


Stay cool this weekend.


Well, come on, read your history. If George W. Bush was like Hitler, we would not have a Supreme Court making rulings RESTORING rights to our citizens. Likewise, there would be no Congress, no church, we would have our guns taken away, etc. Fascism is about taking away freedom, kev; you are pretty free, right now (exemplified in no greater way than in your ability to defame and insult our President as you do). And I've just scratched the surface.


My vote has "dismantled the Constitution"? Please tell me how, and don't trot out the tired old Patriot Act issue. Really, tell me what horrible things have happened in the past 7-1/2 years that, a.) can't/won't be undone by the next guy or, b.) are simply the effects of market forces. Explain to me what the Democratic Congress has done to safeguard the Constitution; it is they, afterall, who write the laws, make the budgets, and keep the Executive and Judiciary in check. My guess is that you don't really understand or appreciate the freedom you DO have, and how it would be adversely affected by socialist operators like Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama. Are you prepared to be held to all of the U.N. Treaties currently up for ratification? Barack Obama wants you to be. How about a huge jump in income taxes? How about massive increases in the cost of good and services due to increased corporate taxes, regulations, and governmental restrictions? You may like all those things, but I do not. For me, freedom means more than just being able to call a world leader an asshole on the internet; I want the government out of my pocketbook, out of my medical files, and off my property.


Regarding the protections for the telecomm companies, if the telecomm companies were being directed by the government out of national security (whether it's true or not) then they should be protected from private lawsuits. Should the contractor who built the internment camps be sued by Americans of Japanese descent? You may think so. I do not.


how about the ability to listen to your phone conversations without going through court system? so what's wrong with obtaining a warrant? can you explain how the fuck is this supposed to make this country safer? a fucking gimmick straight from commie playbook.

you mention government regulations, restrictions and tax hikes- how about actually taxing top earners on par with middle class. how about currency that is worth something? how about stopping inflation which is higher then in mexico (yeah, you might have not noticed that in your bum-fuck-nowhere canyon while cornholing some sheep, in the past 8 years it dropped about 50% in relation to other major currencies).

over all i think you are a total redneck. get some education and start thinking for yourself instead of repeating UN takeover bullshit

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Scott. Lets go in order....



Scott makes an ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned.



Whoa. Did ScottH get banned? If so, why?


No, Bone just thinks I should; because I am a giant asshole and am not nice to the special ed posters on the site.

no you are not an asshole- you are just another jerk-off pretending to be one. now, when you are done shpunking the shelaq syrup load on the keyboard first go wipe it with a clean towel and then go and change you diaper beyotch.

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fuck off ggk, you don't know what the fuck you are or who you are for that matter. your still stuck in the classic your a neo-con i'm a monkey bullshit. last time i checked, the more money i make the higher tax bracket i get put in. it's not about slammin the other party but making sure the party you affiliate yourself with does what the fuck they say there gonna do, and good luck with that.

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Scott. Lets go in order....



Scott makes an ass out of himself on cc.com.....gets banned.



Whoa. Did ScottH get banned? If so, why?


No, Bone just thinks I should; because I am a giant asshole and am not nice to the special ed posters on the site.

no you are not an asshole- you are just another jerk-off pretending to be one. now, when you are done shpunking the shelaq syrup load on the keyboard first go wipe it with a clean towel and then go and change you diaper beyotch.


fucking loser. :rolleyes:

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