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When doing something is worse than doing nothing


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Leave it to the libertarian types, whose entire platform is supposedly based on exposing the government as corrupt, bumbling, and inefficient to start screaming for a plan only when it comes to something extremely dangerous or when the consequences would be catastrophic like the disposal of nuclear waste or war.


WTF are you talking about?

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It's absurd that the right's critique of Obama is the lack of a plan when for the last thirty years it's been the right's platform to simply leave such things to the "free-market" and corporate decision-making. Anything that has remotely resembled a plan from health-care to energy involving oversight or regulation has either been dismissed as a pipedream or Socialist. The bloated "defense" budget gets a free pass as do any other pet-projects on the right's agenda. Given FW and Kojak's rhetorical track record with regard to big-guvermint, suggesting that it's to be tasked with handling nuclear waste, conducting wars, or come up with a plan for saving the planet (and allow Americans to live in the manner they've grown accustomed to) is hypocritical to say the least.

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A lot of people talk about McCain's 'plan'. Well, as far as I can tell, here it is:


Deficit/Economy: Make it worse. Make the Bush tax cuts permanent, + pass more. Increase military spending.


Environment: Rape Alaska with a drill bit.


Global Warming: No fucking clue. Nada.


Energy: Drill and strip mine for coal.


War: All for it. Increase the military monkey on our back. Continue to fight the mythical WOT using a platinum sledgehammer to hang a picture frame.


Civil Liberties: Bend over. WOT, don't you know.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I would support a western Washington progressive gas tax increase for the construction of a high speed passenger train through the I-5 corridor from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR.

I already paid for it once. Fuck off if I am gonna do it again.


Well if you paid for it once....you sure got jipped......there is no such thing.....

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A lot of people talk about McCain's 'plan'. Well, as far as I can tell, here it is:


Deficit/Economy: Make it worse. Make the Bush tax cuts permanent, + pass more. Increase military spending.


Environment: Rape Alaska with a drill bit.


Global Warming: No fucking clue. Nada.


Energy: Drill and strip mine for coal.


War: All for it. Increase the military monkey on our back. Continue to fight the mythical WOT using a platinum sledgehammer to hang a picture frame.


Civil Liberties: Bend over. WOT, don't you know.



Don’t forget about dismantling the constitution. Piece by piece……

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It is funny to see die hard Republican's complain that Obama has no plan for energy when McCain's big announcements thus far have been the gas tax holiday and his support for drilling in ANWAR. The first was clearly a stupid gimmick that has absolutely no substance to it and the second is by all accounts not going to do much at all to help increase supply (even if you think it is a good idea) and even the little bit of help it might offer would be ten years away or more.


Yesterday, NPR had a story suggesting that Cheney-I-mean-McCain might appoint Dick Armitage as Secretary of Defense. If there is any truth to this, our "rogue" who is going to change everything doesn't look like he's going to change anything and Tvash' summary of McCain's policy proposals sounds just about right.


I promise I won't call you names if you respond, KK. Just stick to the issues and not the size of someone's pee pee.

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It is funny to see die hard Republican's complain that Obama has no plan for energy when McCain's big announcements thus far have been the gas tax holiday and his support for drilling in ANWAR.


You forgot about the $300 million prize for a "Next-Generation Car Battery". It seems to me that funding research and giving economic incentives to innovative companies is a good thing. All Obama could say (jealous he didn't have this idea first) was that it was a "gimmick"


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I think both of these candidates need to take a 12 ft walk on a 10 ft bridge. I have no confidence in either of them doing anything more than the various vacuous shells of men that have held the office for the last 20-some-odd years.


If this is the best our country can bring to the table, some airheaded pop star and an angry, militant ignoramus that intends to ignore any clear sense of reason, we are asking to get our asses kicked hard.

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I would support a western Washington progressive gas tax increase for the construction of a high speed passenger train through the I-5 corridor from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR.

I already paid for it once. Fuck off if I am gonna do it again.


Well if you paid for it once....you sure got jipped......there is no such thing.....


Well no fucking shit. Shut your cockholder until you comeback with something worth reading. That goes for your snuggle buddy prole too.

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If this is the best our country can bring to the table


It is not the best our country can bring to the table....it is two of the most popular and richest people. Dennis Kucinich is the best we have to offer. Unfortunately he is a little to honest and the county is not read for the truth.

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I think both of these candidates need to take a 12 ft walk on a 10 ft bridge. I have no confidence in either of them doing anything more than the various vacuous shells of men that have held the office for the last 20-some-odd years.


If this is the best our country can bring to the table, some airheaded pop star and an angry, militant ignoramus that intends to ignore any clear sense of reason, we are asking to get our asses kicked hard.


we've had to hold our noses when voting for quite some time. this time around is marginally better than the last two elections, you have to admit

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If that is how you see it, ak, I suppose you may as well just give up. It seems to me, however, that times DO change and it actually matters who sits in the Oval Office. For example, do you honestly think that had 911 happened on Gore's watch he would have bungled the response as badly as the Bushies? Seriously? Do you think he would have deliberately let Bin Laden go and spent all his energy invading Iraq while ignoring his military commander's advice as to how to go about it?


I agree to the extent you may be saying that they are both politicians and much of what goes on now is going to continue, though.

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