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Fox News on McClellan book


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Poor intelligence, poor analysis, poor planning, poor decision making, poor execution - all fertile grounds for reasonable discussion when wars end "well," much less when they end on unfavorable terms, and none of which require introducing sinister and unproven elements or seance-worthy speculations about interior thoughts and motives into the conversation.



Neither is it necessary nor desirable to constantly impugn the motives of those making the decisions, demonizing them and assuming and positing all the worst about them. It would be refreshing for once for more folks to assume those in power with whom they disagree politically are equally as desirous for what is best for the nation as those withm whom they agree politically.



fuck off you stupid cunt. like the argument that US ended cold war! if rosevelt didn't sell eastern and central europe to stalin there would not be a cold war (in the shape it happen after ww2) in the first place.

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I don't read Huffington Post...


That's funny. You posted one of her stories just the other day.


Maybe you didn't notice that she was on TV and Radio shows last week, and she made some decent points. I thought you'd want to hear about it and I used this thing called Google to find a reference so you wouldn't slam me for making something up.

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I just tire of the lunatic fringe


I hear you, Bug, but the lunatic fringe seems to control the center of the Republican voter fringe. Just ask Arianna Huffington. Its not Fairweather's fault, he's being manipulated by puppet strings.

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fuck off you stupid cunt. like the argument that US ended cold war! if rosevelt didn't sell eastern and central europe to stalin there would not be a cold war (in the shape it happen after ww2) in the first place.

uh, so how would roosevelt gone about getting us control of central and eastern europe? the russian army was ginormous and they were thoroughly pissed after 2 world wars had raped the shit out of them - no way would stalin have accepted anything less than he got w/o more war. i guess we coulda nuked em into oblivion, but roosevelt didn't even know the bomb would work before he died.

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I just tire of the lunatic fringe


I hear you, Bug, but the lunatic fringe seems to control the center of the Republican voter fringe. Just ask Arianna Huffington. Its not Fairweather's fault, he's being manipulated by puppet strings.


"Me smart. You not." What an arrogant fuck you are.

Edited by Fairweather
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How else do you explain the fact that it took you so long to figure out that Bush was a liar or that you still think there is a debate about whether global warming is real in the scientific community? You constantly accuse "my side" of intolerance and manipulation but you can't cling to these and similar views based on any application of critical thought or independent review of the information available.


Remember our discussion of the Florida election results? I pointed out over and over again that the source you were citing did not say what you said it did, and it took something like a day and a half for you to go back and read the article to find out I was right. I'm not sure it is a matter of me smart you dumb but it appears you don't readily question your assumptions. Did you misread that New York times article (I think it was NYT) or did somebody write somewhere that "even the NYT says that ...." and list that article as their source?

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How else do you explain the fact that it took you so long to figure out that Bush was a liar or that you still think there is a debate about whether global warming is real in the scientific community?


Well, he does live in Tacoma.


Wow, both an elitist and a racist. You're a typical leftie.


typical tacoma apologist

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How else do you explain the fact that it took you so long to figure out that Bush was a liar or that you still think there is a debate about whether global warming is real in the scientific community?


Well, he does live in Tacoma.


Wow, both an elitist and a racist. You're a typical leftie.


typical tacoma apologist


Yup. Instead of debating the issue, he resorts to ad hominem attack. How 'bout it, KK? What do you think about TACOMA?

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How else do you explain the fact that it took you so long to figure out that Bush was a liar or that you still think there is a debate about whether global warming is real in the scientific community?


Well, he does live in Tacoma.


Wow, both an elitist and a racist. You're a typical leftie.


typical tacoma apologist


Yup. Instead of debating the issue, he resorts to ad hominem attack. How 'bout it, KK? What do you think about TACOMA?


Fuck off. I'm sick of people like Hugh Cocksucker throwing out the bullshit accusations that R's are racists, while spewing out epithets and elitists comments unchallenged.


What do I think about Tacoma? A lot of working class folks live there. You know, the kind that all you lefties are supposedly "looking out for" and trying to protect from those eeeevil rich Republicans.



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