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Democrats were willing dupes...again


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"It's not what you believe but why you believe it."


Seems that why you believe something is part and parcel of what you believe. And, if you're talking about something all encompassing as a worldview then it gets rather complex to dissect. Maybe you could say it boils down to Lindburgh's alleged anti-Semitism and that if he held those beliefs then there were no legitimate reasons to hold them.


There is disinformation all around. Too bad we can't just awake and rise above the cultural milieu. Why do we always have to be backwards looking to see the error of our times?


Depends on what the belief is, and why you are basing your belief on, no?



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*I* find it interesting that you are bemoaning the fact that everyone who opposed the war is - in your imagination - uncritically branded as a "traitor," (Zinni, Obama {look how his political career has suffered}, etc -? Really),while simultaneously maintaining that everyone who supported the war is a naif, a dupe, or a participant in a nefarious cabal or conspiracy.


Certainly almost every political figure who spoke against the war - and I listed four from very different backgrounds - WAS called that by the right wingers her on cc.com, by many commentators in the media, and in most cases by spokesmen for the Bush administration (I think they just tried to ignore their own general and he promptly shut up and went away). It didn't hurt their career, necessarily, but those names were called.


As for those who knew we were going to war on false pretenses and were in a position where it was THEIR JOB to speak out - anybody in Congress, any spokesperson for an ally, anybody at the U.N., or any member of the miltary who was interviewed and did not mention it, they were either a naif, a dupe, or a participant, or maybe just a coward or lazy. Anybody who didn't know Bush was lying? They simply were not paying attention - whether it was due to their being an idiot or an ideologue or in some other fashion impaired.


As I said: we COULD have had a discussion about what we should do about Saddam. We did not have that discussion, because the whole premise of the discussion we did have was B.S.

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3. i wonder what do you say to personal involvement of gwb and saudis. remember it was saudis, who directly attacked US on 9/11. i did not see list of iraqi citizens entering hijacked planes.


so my advice would be to pipe down your rhetorical bullshit and look more carefully into your own yard. because might turn out that a lot of your idols will be doing a lot of time after it's all set and done.


Are you one of the kooks who believes Bush was responsible for 9/11? Gimme a break. And unlike your homeland of Balticfuckvia, we don't lock up our ex-leaders. It's all part of that whole stability/greater good thing. I actually like a lot of what you say; especially about the commie fucks that once held you down. But some of the ideas you seem anxious to apply here in your new home are step stones that lead back toward the ideology you fled.

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3. i wonder what do you say to personal involvement of gwb and saudis. remember it was saudis, who directly attacked US on 9/11. i did not see list of iraqi citizens entering hijacked planes.


so my advice would be to pipe down your rhetorical bullshit and look more carefully into your own yard. because might turn out that a lot of your idols will be doing a lot of time after it's all set and done.


Are you one of the kooks who believes Bush was responsible for 9/11? Gimme a break. And unlike your homeland of Balticfuckvia, we don't lock up our ex-leaders. It's all part of that whole stability/greater good thing. I actually like a lot of what you say; especially about the commie fucks that once held you down. But some of the ideas you seem anxious to apply here in your new home are step stones that lead back toward the ideology you fled.


let's stick to the facts. 9/11 happened under his watch. blaming clinton is absurd, since this administration was in the office for almost a quarter of it's term. it's bush and his team who dropped the ball. and imagine this- saudis are still on the list of the countries on a visa waiver program! to this day any camel riding with saudi passport can simply jump on the plane and stay here for 90 days. no background checks, nothing. now how is this for national security?

the ideology of communism is nicely implemented by this administration. like illegal wire taping. or a talk about restricting rights of single individuals for "greater good". hand shaking with russia- what was that?

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America as a whole is to blame. IMO the reason they 9/11 happened was to prove a point. The USA has ties with Saudi Arabia and all over the Middle East…..all because of oil. Why else would we have so much interest in that dry forgotten place? They crazy Islamic folks out there (bin ladin) have been asking for the complete US withdrawal from there county and other countries for years. If we would not go sticking out noses in other counties affairs……IMO 9/11 wound never have happened.


The USA needs to withdrawal from the Middle East completely and let them all battle amongst themselves for a change.


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America as a whole is to blame. IMO the reason they 9/11 happened was to prove a point. The USA has ties with Saudi Arabia and all over the Middle East…..all because of oil. Why else would we have so much interest in that dry forgotten place? They crazy Islamic folks out there (bin ladin) have been asking for the complete US withdrawal from there county and other countries for years. If we would not go sticking out noses in other counties affairs……IMO 9/11 wound never have happened.


The USA needs to withdrawal from the Middle East completely and let them all battle amongst themselves for a change.



that's a load of shit. however doesn't change the fact that bush made a mistake after a mistake and pretty much most of the decisions his administration made were the worst possible choices. and i honestly believe that a lot of the choices are going to have a very long lasting consequences.

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America as a whole is to blame.


And there you have it. Blame America first. It's not just a Fox News/Rush Limbaugh invention - it's based in fact. Thanks, Boner. :wave:




Oh whoops……let me reprase that…..the US government and there foreign policy is to blame. Wait…..isn’t the government for the people and by the people? Did we vote in this current administration? (At least in 2004 not 2000) …….so if the government is the people…….you do the math.

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America as a whole is to blame. IMO the reason they 9/11 happened was to prove a point. The USA has ties with Saudi Arabia and all over the Middle East…..all because of oil. Why else would we have so much interest in that dry forgotten place? They crazy Islamic folks out there (bin ladin) have been asking for the complete US withdrawal from there county and other countries for years. If we would not go sticking out noses in other counties affairs……IMO 9/11 wound never have happened.


The USA needs to withdrawal from the Middle East completely and let them all battle amongst themselves for a change.



that's a load of shit. however doesn't change the fact that bush made a mistake after a mistake and pretty much most of the decisions his administration made were the worst possible choices. and i honestly believe that a lot of the choices are going to have a very long lasting consequences.


Do you support the first Iraq War (Desert Storm)?

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Let me get this straight, McDermott is being fined for warrantless wiretapping? Silly fool should have waited a decade until it was legal.


What was Boehner worried about anyway? If he wasn't doing anything wrong, he's got nothing to be afraid of.


FYI: Boehner is house minority leader John Boehner, not Boner as in KK's pet name for Kevbone.

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Let me get this straight, McDermott is being fined for warrantless wiretapping? Silly fool should have waited a decade until it was legal.


What was Boehner worried about anyway? If he wasn't doing anything wrong, he's got nothing to be afraid of.


FYI: Boehner is house minority leader John Boehner, not Boner as in KK's pet name for Kevbone.


Baghdad McDillhole needs to cough up the cash and stfu. :grin:

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let's stick to the facts. 9/11 happened under his watch. blaming clinton is absurd, since this administration was in the office for almost a quarter of it's term. it's bush and his team who dropped the ball. and imagine this- saudis are still on the list of the countries on a visa waiver program! to this day any camel riding with saudi passport can simply jump on the plane and stay here for 90 days. no background checks, nothing. now how is this for national security?.........


Well, thats less than half the facts Bob. The rest of the story is twofold. First, if you bothered to read my link you'd have seen that the Clinton admin had at least 2 chances to get Bin Laden. 2nd, they passed on examining ATtas hard drive. Either one of those would have prevented the plane into the building scenarios.



However, the biggest Faux Pax and guilt you can lay on Clinton is this. They allowed the SAudis to fund and direct extremism in their state funded and directed Wahabi Madras (Wahabi religous schools), it was Clinton and that admin that just let it be and continue. WE knew this shit was happening, that violent rhetoric was being layed onto various students but they just let it happen. Thats why so many of the hijackers were of Saudi citizenship as they were products of these religious schools. Under Bush, working with the Saudi gov't, that shit has stopped. The Saudi family has let loose over 1100 radical teachers who have not toed the softer, more moderate line, and these schools are not a hotbed of radicalism and religious violence. It will take years to undo the damage, but thats the rest of that story which you apparently had no clue about.


This is the masterwork on the subject although it comes close to being an official Israeli tome: Hatreds Kingdom by Dore Gold


Golds book is now almost 4 years old, and the issues he raises have been dealt with and addressed quite capably and throughly by the Bush Administration. The fact that they cannot trumpet these quiet success's all over the internet and in the papers serves to make them even more powerful and effective.


Highly recommend the book anyway.

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who gives the shit if clinton didn't? airplanes that flew into the buildings did not happen when he was a president. btw those madras were way before clinton even took office. is if the blame has to fall on someone on them it would be reagan or bush sr.and i don't think this hate teaching shit stopped at all, since they are alive and well all over middle east and in pakistan as well. and the reason hijackers were saudis not jordnians (actually they were supposed to be on the planes) is because saudi arabia is on a fucking visa waiver program (even after 9/11!!). so it means that the visa is issued automatically at the point of entry for 90 days. no background checks, no nothing. while all the former soviet block countries unilaterally implemented the same thing towards US citizens, the favor was not returned. so why camel riding potencial terrorists can jump on the plane and just show up, citizens of eastern europe are still subjected to long lines in the consulates, high fees and over all a very shitty treatment. how is that fitting into the category of making this country more secure? anyway, there is no point in explaining details how entire visa and immigration issue sucks donkey cock, since 90% of you people have no fucking clue on the subject matter anyway.

anyway- you can repeat all the bullshit this crew is spewing. however somehow you omit to say how for instance saudis hold telethons, from which the profits are funneled directly to Hezbollah?

over all this administration dealt with 2 things: jack and shit and jack let town.

oh btw- where the fuck is bin laden? T-A=0

Edited by glassgowkiss
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