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McCain in the Mideast


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Here is a challenge, comrade porolee: I'm willing to bet my presence in Spray that he (McCain) will prevail in the general election against either Hillary or Obama...IF...you care to take the bet and agree to leave here (no reincarnated avatars!) if I'm right. The loser only has to take leave of the spray forum--and only for one full year, beginning two days post-election. (So I can hear you snivel) This generous wager is also open to Tvashtarketena and Crux if they agree in kind.


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Don't take the bet, Prole.


The battle is lost for the Democraps. The talk radio attack dogs finally have their central topic honed, and they're opening up with both barrels: Obama is a black supremacist, racist, America hating chameleon who is going to take away your freedom, tax you to death, and surrender to al Qaida. And Hillary is...well...Hillary. They don't even have to promote anything that might be good about McCain at this point, they just have to repeat the above points ad nauseum and play the same sound bites. McCain is going to win this in a landslide, and he won't even have to work hard to do it. The Democraps have cut their own throat. Again.


It's actually a perfect strategy because all this clamoring over how awful the democrap candidates are will make everyone forget that President McCain will ensure that we continue on our current glorious course. And wrapped within, you can be sure that somehow despite the fact that the country's financial institutions and economy are swirling the toilet, there will be ample money for an upcoming war/occupation/civil war/sectarian violence/money siphon with Iran that will make the Iraq debacle pale by comparison.


The more things change...



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The battle is lost for the Democraps. The talk radio attack dogs finally have their central topic honed, and they're opening up with both barrels: Obama is a black supremacist, racist, America hating chameleon...


I don't know. He was looking damn good in his response to the attacks regarding his minister.


Are you being serious?

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As always that article is devoid of any real content. The quotes have a lot of doublespeak like calling the Palistinians violent and guilty of intimidation tactics and then turning around and claiming that they desire peace.


He then says that he wants to move ahead with the peace process but supports Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and indicates maintaining the status quo that is responsible for the hostility. You can't declare support for one side of a dispute and then claim to be working toward peace unless it's peace by defeat.


This quote is just fear mongering and has no meaning whatsoever:

"If Hamas-Hezbollah succeed here, they are going to succeed everywhere.


"They are dedicated to the extinction of everything that the US, Israel and the West believe and stand for," the Republican candidate added.

Succeed at what? What does the US, Israel and the West believe in a stand for?


This wasn't a political visit? That's just a bald faced lie.


I think McCain would make a better president than Bush it's the rest of the administration I'm worried about. The whole Republican machine frightens me far more than any terrorist threat. The problem is that the Democrats are just plain incompetent. You guys are screwed and your going to take us down with you. :cry:

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Are you being serious?


Um, yes. He actually spoke like an adult to other adults. Quite refreshing, actually.


And it's only frigging March. A lot of shit can happen between now and Nov.


I wasn't being sarcastic actually. It's just that the conservative pundits seem to have unanimously and enthusiastically agreed that Obama "proved" in his speech that he's the anti-Christ. Today, Limbaugh nearly creamed all over the Golden EIB microphone with glee about all the "chaos" he's helped foment with the democrats and how Obama has proven himself a shifty fraud for not totally dissociating himself from the Reverend. They are treating this like it is some huge "GOTCHA!" surprise; on the level of discovering him with a hooker.

To be fair, I suppose the propaganda crowd is either really feeling righteous about this topic or they are just desperate to put him away because they fear him.

It is also true that a lot can happen between now and November...





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I think McCain would make a better president than Bush it's the rest of the administration I'm worried about.


But who are "McCain's guys"? Clearly they will not be "Bush's Guys", and it was the latter, more than Bush himself, that has driven our policy.


I ask the same question about Obama. Who are "his guys"? Who will steer his policies and guide his administration.


Both of them would have to pay back supporters from the campaign. That's obvious. But who would get the choicest positions and the ear of the president? I think there is a good chance for change in improvement from either of them.



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I wasn't being sarcastic actually. It's just that the conservative pundits seem to have unanimously and enthusiastically agreed that Obama "proved" in his speech that he's the anti-Christ. Today, Limbaugh nearly creamed all over the Golden EIB microphone with glee about all the "chaos" he's helped foment with the democrats and how Obama has proven himself a shifty fraud for not totally dissociating himself from the Reverend. They are treating this like it is some huge "GOTCHA!" surprise; on the level of discovering him with a hooker.

To be fair, I suppose the propaganda crowd is either really feeling righteous about this topic or they are just desperate to put him away because they fear him.

It is also true that a lot can happen between now and November...


Well, I watched the talking heads, including some well-known republican commentators and they really think the big stink about Obama's minister is much ado about nothing. And I agree. I heard the sound bites that they play over and over and over "God Damn America". Yeah, so? Come to cc.com and you'll hear much worse than that.


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Are you being serious?


Um, yes. He actually spoke like an adult to other adults. Quite refreshing, actually.


And it's only frigging March. A lot of shit can happen between now and Nov.


I wasn't being sarcastic actually. It's just that the conservative pundits seem to have unanimously and enthusiastically agreed that Obama "proved" in his speech that he's the anti-Christ. Today, Limbaugh nearly creamed all over the Golden EIB microphone with glee about all the "chaos" he's helped foment with the democrats and how Obama has proven himself a shifty fraud for not totally dissociating himself from the Reverend. They are treating this like it is some huge "GOTCHA!" surprise; on the level of discovering him with a hooker.

To be fair, I suppose the propaganda crowd is either really feeling righteous about this topic or they are just desperate to put him away because they fear him.

It is also true that a lot can happen between now and November...





How many Rush listeners were ever going to vote for either Obama or Hillary in the first place? As far as Ministergate is concerned, pretty much every commentator outside of the far-right commentariat has had generally positive things to say about the way he handled the matter. At the end of the day, he hasn't lost any ground amongst his core voters - who are probably even more enthusiastic about the guy, and he hasn't alienated very many people who were actually on the fence and seriously considering voting for him.


All of this concern for what the Right in this country is doing to compromise Democratic chances for securing the White House seems rather odd, given the discord in the party at the moment - and the discontent that nomination-by-superdelegates could sow in the base, particularly if the outcome is at odds with the distribution of delegates sent to the convention by the voters in Democratic primaries.





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Are you being serious?


Um, yes. He actually spoke like an adult to other adults. Quite refreshing, actually.


And it's only frigging March. A lot of shit can happen between now and Nov.


I wasn't being sarcastic actually. It's just that the conservative pundits seem to have unanimously and enthusiastically agreed that Obama "proved" in his speech that he's the anti-Christ. Today, Limbaugh nearly creamed all over the Golden EIB microphone with glee about all the "chaos" he's helped foment with the democrats and how Obama has proven himself a shifty fraud for not totally dissociating himself from the Reverend. They are treating this like it is some huge "GOTCHA!" surprise; on the level of discovering him with a hooker.

To be fair, I suppose the propaganda crowd is either really feeling righteous about this topic or they are just desperate to put him away because they fear him.

It is also true that a lot can happen between now and November...





How many Rush listeners were ever going to vote for either Obama or Hillary in the first place? As far as Ministergate is concerned, pretty much every commentator outside of the far-right commentariat has had generally positive things to say about the way he handled the matter. At the end of the day, he hasn't lost any ground amongst his core voters - who are probably even more enthusiastic about the guy, and he hasn't alienated very many people who were actually on the fence and seriously considering voting for him.


All of this concern for what the Right in this country is doing to compromise Democratic chances for securing the White House seems rather odd, given the discord in the party at the moment - and the discontent that nomination-by-superdelegates could sow in the base, particularly if the outcome is at odds with the distribution of delegates sent to the convention by the voters in Democratic primaries.





There is some speculation about how this whole flap can hurt Obama in some of his potential voting base, not be easy to overcome, and how this could drag on. But we're talking speculation and fairly subtle effects.


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Are you being serious?


Um, yes. He actually spoke like an adult to other adults. Quite refreshing, actually.


And it's only frigging March. A lot of shit can happen between now and Nov.


I find that I agree with KK. Obama's speech on race was well done, and the general election is still a long ways off.

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I liked Obama's reply to Ferraro's claim that his heritage was "an advantage":


"Let's see now...I'm an African American with the name, 'Barak-Hussein-Obama' and somehow she thinks that's an advantage?"


Priceless. I like the man--and his election would not be the end of the republic--but he's got some whacked out ideas about the role of government in our lives.


My offer still stands, Prole. Ready to take a stand with Obamallary?


BTW: Tell me, Prole: Why do you hate Israel?

Edited by Fairweather
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I also like the guy, and think he's right up there with Clinton and Reagan in terms of rhetorical talent and charisma, even though I won't be voting for him.


I also think that it was fine to insist that he explain his relationship with the Pastor and give his feelings about the statements that his pastor had included in his sermons.


I don't quite get how this amounts to unfair persecution of the guy.

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If I were to make a prediction about the election (always a fool's game), I'd say that Obama will win in a landslide. The war is too unpopular, fiscal conservatives are too pissed off, the GOP is too fragmented, the economy is too troubled, McCain is too volatile and status quo, and Obama is too calming and respectable for it to go any other way.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Well, what is most important is to frame it such that Al Qaeda = Iraq. Then we can continue the war and we are winnars, even if it isn't true. Its sort of like denying that we are in a recession. As long as you don't say we are in a recession, we aren't. Its an amazingly powerful tool you can use to improve your life and defy your enemies. Try it! Say "I'm a winner and damn it, I'm worth it." As long as you don't say anything to the contrary, its true...no matter what anyone else says.

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If I were to make a prediction about the election (always a fool's game), I'd say that Obama will win in a landslide. The war is too unpopular, fiscal conservatives are too pissed off, the GOP is too fragmented, the economy is too troubled, McCain is too volatile and status quo, and Obama is too calming and respectable for it to go any other way.


Does this mean you'll take my bet?

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