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how much did i drink the night before? and to whom are we refering? its really easy to hate some people and really easy to love others. you're going to have to be more specific.

how much did i drink the night before? and to whom are we refering? its really easy to hate some people and really easy to love others. you're going to have to be more specific.


:lmao::brew: :brew: :brew: 8D :kisss: :poke::anger:


uh, didn't machiavelli answer that one a long time ago?


"here the question arises; whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved. the answer is that it would be desirable to be both but, since that is difficult, it is much safter to be feared than loved...for on men this observation must be made: they are ungrateful, fickle and deceitful...men have less hesititation in offending a man who is loved than one who is feared, for love is held by a bond of obligation which, as men are wicked, is broken whenever personal advantage suggests it, but fear is accompanied by the dread of punishment which never relaxes"

Posted (edited)
uh, didn't machiavelli answer that one a long time ago?


"here the question arises; whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved. the answer is that it would be desirable to be both but, since that is difficult, it is much safter to be feared than loved...for on men this observation must be made: they are ungrateful, fickle and deceitful...men have less hesititation in offending a man who is loved than one who is feared, for love is held by a bond of obligation which, as men are wicked, is broken whenever personal advantage suggests it, but fear is accompanied by the dread of punishment which never relaxes"


I disagree.

Fear is not love or hate. It is something completely different.


You can Love and Fear someone, or you can Hate in Fear someone, or you can fear a person with out either love or hate.


Edited by sirwoofalot



You can choose to love someone you hate, but you can never hate someone you love.


I have only ever hated a person whom I had, at one time, loved.


Yes, but in time you can get to love that person again, if you choose.


I think we need to take a step back an look at the differant levels of "love". In the greek language there are many differant words that can be only be translated into English as Love.

the three most common are Philios which is a brotherly love, Eros a sexual love between a man and a women, and Agape love which is an undeserving love such as Gods love for us.


You may have loved a person at one time, married, growne to hate them, devorice, and then, in time learned to love them all over again. That is Erose them and choose to Philious them later in life.





You can Love and Fear someone, or you can Hate in Fear someone, or you can fear a person with out either love or hate.


I can't fear what I love. And fear leads to hate of what you fear so if you fear something now but don't hate it, eventually you will.



You can Love and Fear someone, or you can Hate in Fear someone, or you can fear a person with out either love or hate.


I can't fear what I love. And fear leads to hate of what you fear so if you fear something now but don't hate it, eventually you will.




When you did something wrong as a child your feared your parents, especially after they found out. Yet you still loved them and I am sure that fear never turned into hate.


Yes, you can fear and love someone at that same time. No, it does not have to lead into hate either.

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