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"What you don't understand, is ..."


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How do you respond to someone who constantly prefaces their statements with this phrase???


Hearing it puts me on the defensive right away, and I end up not listening to the rest of their thought because I'm ruffled that they assumed that I "don't understand" before even telling me what it is that I apparently don't understand.


The person is going through a REALLY hard time right now--which I do understand, at least to some extent--but this phrase is wearing on my patience. Understand?







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"I feel like I'm on the defensive when I hear that phrase. I'd like not to be, so I'd like you to not use it anymore."




I was thinking along those lines, too...something constructive but not hurtful that acknowledges my discomfort but also points out that this is not the ideal phrase for facilitating dialogue.


That sounded pretty sappy, didn't it?


No wonder they don't want my advice. :laf:




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Another one that drives me crazy is "You Need To..."


Goddamn passive-aggressive transference BS, clean your own damn house!


Yep, it's right up there, too. Prefacing a directive with that one pretty much guarantees that I won't be doing whatever you said I needed to do. :/


Use your communication skills, people.






Nice try, G-Spotter. So close. :wave:




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