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New Alpinst issue


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I just finished the latest issue of Alpinist and the contrast between two of the articles (short ice climbing history of Ben Nevis and an article about the two women ice climbers blitzing their way through Iceland) has got me in a state of trad monkey spanking piss. First off, the folks in the articles are so far beyond my skill level, it’s laughable.

Of course, bolts are at the core my irritant. Contrast the high ethical tradition and development of routes on Ben Nevis with the bolting of one route in the Iceland article. The climbers in Iceland expressed exuberance that they could break out the Hilti and bolt up to gain access to a very desirable ice formation. They mention at least twice in the piece that the bolts were placed ground up (this seemed to be a one pitch route with no bolts for belay).

So, a few questions come to mind: Why not place gear to gain access? If you can’t place gear, why bolt your way onto the formation? Given the ephemeral nature of ice, why not wait to see if the formation “comes in” to an accessible non bolt level? If the formation retreats, how cute is a three bolt ladder to nowhere? Why not find another formation for a photo-shoot?

Is this just the standard sport route philosophy? Is there any ice route that’s so esthetic, you would enhance it’s beauty with bolts to gain access? Would you like to see this at your home of record? I ‘m not a zealot and have been glad to clip bolts at a belay. I always figured if I had to bolt a one pitch route, rather than place gear, it was because I sucked and needed to get better. Even if I were world class rather than a WI3 wanker, I would have found a different route.


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