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I love how language can be so ambiguous and misinterpreted. I understood Bill to be using the term "crack" in the context of wisecracks, or rants, rather than an accusation of bolt installation malfeasance on your part.


thanks, that was my understanding as well. In retrospect, probably its a good thing I'm not an interpreter for Israel or Iran.


BTW, I suspect my position on bolting is actually real close to Dons on bolts.

Edited by billcoe
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Regarding my original comment for "DeChristo" to take off his uniform and sit in the corner....you apparently have no idea how utterly offensive his comment was. For a Christian, it would probably be like spitting on the cross of Jesus.


I ran that one past a couple of Jewish friends, and their response was "so what?".


It's best to present only your own opinions on this forum because, after all, you're confined to them whether or not you're aware of it. Speaking for others, i.e., pontificating, will only get the reception it deserves.


As for Christians being offended, I've observed that my Christian friends practice their beliefs by living their values as proscribed by a loving god, not by wasting their time on pettiness. 'Sacred' (which has sadly joined 'hero' and 'freedom' as one of the most tiresomely overused and thus diluted words in the language) objects are simply not their thing. Perhaps your example reflects your own sensitivity to insult, which so often goes hand in hand with a willingness to dish out the same for others, more than any empathy for those groups you feel the need but lack the legitimacy to represent here.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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As distasteful as it is I admit I prefer the Nazi references to the plentiful Raindawg hypocritical bolting references, as I'm sure the dawg has clipped bolts then spins the reverse. Makes you wonder if he may in fact be a closet Nazi too. Given hypocrisy #1 (bolts), then is hypocricy #2 possible (closet Nazi) ? Hmmm makes one wonder.


Oh f*&k, what am I saying, I really hate them both. (reference below to Goodwins law in effect). Dawg, your Nazi posts suck. So do your bolting cracks.


Once again (and again, and again):

Sure I've clipped bolts in my time, although very few sport climbs.

I've actually placed perhaps 3 bolts in my life. They were drilled by hand and were for belay anchors.

I believe bolts do have their RARE place [in short: to be avoided as they are permanent alterations to the landscape. They should be rare and safe; thoughtful belay and rappel anchors might be exceptions and other placements should, again, be few and far apart.]

It's their proliferation that I detest and free-wheeling, bolt-dependent "sport-climbing" is a vile offender. I subscribe to the "leave little trace" philosophy of outdoor interaction; "Sport climbing" is an utter violation. I'd rather see climbing areas closed than see them grid-bolted.



And while we're at it....hypocrisy debates [a type of ad hominem attack] are only smoke-screens to avoid addressing the real issues....I could have clipped thousand of sport routes and still have issues with them. It might be personally inconsistent with one's beliefs, but it doesn't cause the issue itself to vanish.


By the way, I've never bolted a crack. I suggest you put up your evidence.


BTW Dawg: in case you're too stupid to click the link. For your edification and enjoyment, quoted verbatim below. Next time check the thread title before posting eh?


Stupid, eh? Whatever, Sparky. I noted Godwin's law in a previous post and consulted the very same link before I made my comments, specifically:


The rule does not make any statement whether any particular reference or comparison to Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that one arising is increasingly probable. It is precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact.


The "law" [which in fact is not a "law"] is ultimately telling, yet silly, and joins Murphy's and those of other similar validity.


Regarding my original comment for "DeChristo" to take off his uniform and sit in the corner....you apparently have no idea how utterly offensive his comment was. For a Christian, it would probably be like spitting on the cross of Jesus. Rabbi Alfred Kolatch stated it nicely with:

"The Torah is the centerpiece of Judaism and the key to Jewish survival."

Hundreds of Torah scrolls were confiscated or destroyed by the Nazis when they razed or burned synagogues. (although a few were dramatically rescued). Some have survived and to this day have been given to newly formed Jewish congregations around the world.

The Nazi reference was to add emotional and historical power to my reaction, despite Godwin's opinion.


As I noted above,

You think that everyone should sit passively back and just "take it" without commenting??? No riots, no threats, no censorship advocated here....just offering a perspective.


Closet Nazi, eh? Looks like it's your turn to go sit in the corner....do some more "wondering" until you come to your senses.




Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share to a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry?





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Speaking for others, i.e., pontificating, will only get the reception it deserves.


Thats what I meant. thank you.


I should add this when I see excessive pontification.



Like to thank everyone else for keeping Nazis and also head banging off the thread.

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Yeah, what Jayb said.


As long as we have taken that left turn and it's about intolerance. ...


Let me add that I try (but fail) to never denigrate others beliefs, including Jews, Christians, AND of the Christians, Mormons. I know that I often fail. This is significantly deeper and more complex than watching Seinfeld and laughing my ass off at some of Jerry's Jewish conflicts and foliables like getting caught laughing during Shindlers list.


For instance, my brother gave me a shirt for Christmas which advertises a beer called "Polygamy Porter".


I do not find the humor as funny as Dechristos above, but I'll probably wear it anyway.


Link to old Inc magazine artical on the Wascch Beer marketing Chutzpah


""The secret to this [kind of advertising] is that you can have some fun with cultures and the way people act. "




I don't think wearing this and offending Mormons is a good or humorous thing a all. The funniest part about it to me, is that my little brother understands how my revulsion of being meanspirted to others conflicts with my frugality and feelings for familial responsibility. He knows I cannot just toss or give the shirt away as it was a gift from a loved one, and that I will wear it here and there, and in so doing, have to come to internal terms with my conflicting feelings.


He's laughing his ass off on 5 different levels thinking all of this and I suspect that if history is any guide, it won't stop anytime soon. I'm sure it won't stop after I wear it to his daughters wedding and shock the shit out of everyone instead of wearing a suit and tie either. But being his bro, I'll bide my time and bring the hammer down when the time is right.


Just lighten up on the Pontification is all I ask Dawg. You think you're right about everything and want to stuff it down everyones throat. Most folks, (I obviously include myself) don't appreciate it.


The world isn't black and white. I love having bolts on Monkey Face, for without them not a single route would exist on that formation. Like you, I dislike their current ease and offhand use about everywhere.




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Just lighten up on the Pontification Dawg. You think you're right about everything and want to stuff it down everyones throat. Most folks, (I obviously include myself) don't appreciate it.


First of all, I don't hold my views because I think I'm wrong. Do you do that?


"Stuffed down your throat", eh?

The internet is messages and ideas.

YOU have a choice whether it's "stuffed down your throat":

Choice #1: Post by Raindawg: read/not read

Choice #2: Read Post: agree/disagree

Choice #3: respond/don't respond.


Thirdly, you can't claim to speak for MOST folks on cc.com nor can I...neither of us know how many we "speak for". I have, however, met plenty of folks who appreciate what I've written over the years and some have been swayed by my arguments. You don't have to like or appreciate anything. What a country!






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Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share to a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry?




Whoa.....thats a pretty long question/sentence.

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Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share to a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry?


Whoa.....thats a pretty long question/sentence.

Yes, the sentence stumbles over an incorrectly placed preposition. (It's better written when edited to read "he does not share with a group" rather than "he does not share to a group".


Anyway, Kevbone, since you are responding to questions, why do you assert that nonsensical run-on sentences are the mark of goat-fucking dogs, bad English teachers, and libertarians?

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Agreed he could have deleted the comma and the sentence remains valid. Alternatively, he could have added a comma after the clause or "...or pokes fun at,..."


But I did not critique punctuation, if you read my reply ^^ again.



You are mistaken. Changing the word "to" to "with" is incongruous with the meaning of the verb "equating". One equates something to something else. One does not equate something with something else.


Look at it this way: the word "to" in this context functions as an " = " sign. The word "with" implies addition ( + ), which is not what JayB is implying here:


Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share = a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry?


The sentence structure is fine as is. Class dismissed.

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Why are you equating someone who refuses to honor, or pokes fun at a particular set of taboos associated with a set of religious convictions that he does not share to a group of people who attempted to carry out the wholesale extermination of a people sharing a common ancestry?


Whoa.....thats a pretty long question/sentence.

Yes, the sentence stumbles over an incorrectly placed preposition. (It's better written when edited to read "he does not share with a group" rather than "he does not share to a group".


Anyway, Kevbone, since you are responding to questions, why do you assert that nonsensical run-on sentences are the mark of goat-fucking dogs, bad English teachers, and libertarians?





This is true spray.....first we talked about BB who was assassinated....then bolting.....now Jayb's run on sentence and misplaced ,.


Good times eh!

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