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Help: Dead digital camera


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Does anyone in the Seattle area have a Canon Powershot that uses a Canon NB-4L battery? My camera (a Canon Powershot SL 200) died, and I'd like to borrow your camera/battery to diagnose whether my camera or battery pack is dead.


I'd love to at least get my photos downloaded too, before throwing the thing away.


Recommendations for a new digi camera of around the same portable size also appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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TTK...you can get a SD - USB adapter for like $8 at office depot/target/et al that will allow you to move files onto a computer. It would be pretty handy to have around anyways as you can move files to any computer without needing to load the camera software.

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Thanks, guys. I'll admit, I don't get out to the electronical stores much. That'll solve my photo recovery problem.


After that I can have fun taking my camera apart and trying to find which one of it's quarter million micro-components isn't showing up for work.


Always glad to give a little tech advice to you older guys

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Thanks, guys. I'll admit, I don't get out to the electronical stores much. That'll solve my photo recovery problem.


After that I can have fun taking my camera apart and trying to find which one of it's quarter million micro-components isn't showing up for work.


Always glad to give a little tech advice to you older guys


Eh? What wuz that, sonny?

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You don't have a battery tester? Take the battery to a shop and see if it's putting out. Keep in mind that some chargers need to "read" a trickle from the depleted battery to activate. I've overcome this with Nikon batteries by running small gauge wire between the contact points on my spare battery and nesting the deceased unit into the charger just to get the charger to initiate. Obviously you don't have a spare battery. Also, check the Duracell or Energizer site to see if they have an off-the-shelf throw away version available.



BTW: It's not a good idea to read directly off of your camera when downloading pics. Higher risk of data loss. You should get a card reader.


Replacement Camera: I've had good luck with my small Casio. SD card, good color rendition, NP40 battery is easy to find/replace and lasts about 300 pics. I would avoid anything that uses xD cards (Olympus and Fuji) as I've been told repeatedly they're notorious for damage/data loss.

Edited by Fairweather
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I have a vacuum tube tester, would that work?


Actually, I'll come clean. I used to design portable electronic equipment with rechargeable battery packs , and testing their viability can get complicated, although I do have a multimeter and can do some crude diagnostics. Having said that, most rechargers will not give you a green light for a faulty battery, as mine is now, so I suspect it's the camera itself, which has been dropped a few times now. Just thought I'd see if anyone nearby has a known good battery pack for a quick check.


Thanks for the recommendation on what to avoid and what to go for. There's a pretty good chance I'll be in the market for a replacement camera.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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To use the SD card reader, remove it from its packaging. Then take the SD card out of your camera, and put it in the reader. It should only go in one way. Don't force it! Then plug the reader into your computer. At this time a majick fairy will appear and your pictures will be transported to your computer. Then enjoy your pictures. If you have more than one broken camera with pictures on it, you can repeat these steps.

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To use the SD card reader, remove it from its packaging. Then take the SD card out of your camera, and put it in the reader. It should only go in one way. Don't force it! Then plug the reader into your computer. At this time a majick fairy will appear and your pictures will be transported to your computer. Then enjoy your pictures. If you have more than one broken camera with pictures on it, you can repeat these steps.


The USB end can be tricky....if you encounter significant resistance, rotate the USB plug 180 degrees and retry

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To use the SD card reader, remove it from its packaging. Then take the SD card out of your camera, and put it in the reader. It should only go in one way. Don't force it! Then plug the reader into your computer. At this time a majick fairy will appear and your pictures will be transported to your computer. Then enjoy your pictures. If you have more than one broken camera with pictures on it, you can repeat these steps.



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