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For most of my life, I had hair like Weekend C.

A couple of months ago, I cut it all off.

Cost of previous hair length maintenance:


Cost of cut:



Of course, the scissors cost me something at sometime; but they are so old that their depreciation schedule has worn out.

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Buzz cuts are $10 at Rudy's


Am not, okay I am...




I will give you $50 and pay for a haircut if you turn that into a mullet.


I bet we could get some other folks to pitch in.


You only have to keep the mullet for one day.

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Man, I'm having flashbacks from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert where I gave myself a mohawk when my hair was a bit shorter than what it is now. I spent an hour on the following Monday morning shaving my head before I went to work. :tdown: :tdown:


If I were to get a haircut, I would have to answer to a higher power and I wouldn't want to jeoprodize my access to baked beans, either.

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Shit dude... chalk bag on a biner on your haul loop? That's WORSE THAN SHORTS OVER POLYPRO!!!! Omfg :lmao:


It's a necessity. It is pretty obvious if my chalk bag is any higher, I'd have to flip my hair everytime I took a dip. Believe me, it's hard enough climbing and if you add in hair problems on a route it ups the grade a letter or two :grlaf:

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How much do you spend on this activity? (per visit)


30-50$ untill I was 25..then it went to 15 then 10 now its free


big bucks gets you: big titties in your face for 45 min, scalp massage, a wash, more titties...and guaranteed plenty of women to ask out, it was like every 3 weeks I had a whole new batch to ask out :)


funnily enough I shave my head now and my last two full time GF were hairdresser's.. :rolleyes:

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