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Copies of Fred Padula's "Yosemite" Film?


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Is this the one of the guys in 197? climbing the nose? Features a humungous aid whipper in the dark while they are stoned? And they haul up a certain frivolous object in their haulbags that is revealed at the end?


If so, I've got it on VHS (WTF!?!?) and need to get it transferred to DVD. Speaking of which, anybody have a setup for doing that? Recommendations?

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Anybody in the Seattle area have a setup for copying VHS onto DVD? I would be happy to pay with beer and a copy of the Yosemite film or maybe sexual favors or something.


Lemme know.


Come to think of it, I bet Oilyclimber knows how to do it.

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awesome movie - i was so tweaked out while watchign it the continous sound of birds or whatever in the backgroudn was making me go into paroxysms of fear and loathing :)


the stoner-fied fall in the dark is the height of funny

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This was available until recently on chesslerbooks.com with the notation that it was going to be released on dvd in the fall of 2005. Obviously this did not happen and I have just emailed chessler to see what info he has. I have a copy of the vhs and would love a dvd. El capitan and On the rocks are my two all time favorite vids EVER. Good stuff.

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So I've got a plan for transferring my copy to DVD (thanks AlpineDave). When I get it done I can make some copies and mail them out to those that are interested if I get reimbursed for shipping.


I'll make a post and let ya'll know when I have that ready to go.

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So I've got a plan for transferring my copy to DVD (thanks AlpineDave). When I get it done I can make some copies and mail them out to those that are interested if I get reimbursed for shipping.


I'll make a post and let ya'll know when I have that ready to go.


Yeah, copying to DVD is so EASY even a RETARD like you could do it! NOW GET ON IT!

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My favorite part of this film is when, I believe it is, Tejada-Flores is hopping around on the small ledge trying to get into his bivy 1/2 sack like he's in a sack race and, I believe it is, Colliver points out that he is not anchored to anything.

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So I've got a plan for transferring my copy to DVD (thanks AlpineDave). When I get it done I can make some copies and mail them out to those that are interested if I get reimbursed for shipping.


I'll make a post and let ya'll know when I have that ready to go.


Sweet. Thanks, Buddy! sickie :moondance:

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