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To all you go light freaks:


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yeah, there's always one or two like you that kick back on the cool guy trip and philosophize everything to death. So you carried a few pints eh. Hoorah !!! How bout old Colin Fletcher that carries bout 75 lbs. all day long, day in and day out. I wouldn't want to do it, but there's my hero. Few pints? hoorah

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Naw, just saw "Scent of a Woman" again and it reminded me of that gungho word. How bout drivin a Ferarri blind? I'm done rantin and ragun on the lightweight issue. I really don't care a hell of alot what anyone else does, as long as it doesn't adversely affect me.


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I'd rather be fast & light than slow and heavy anyday of the week. So what's up with this thread anyways? LameBoney and OrdinaryEd pairing off? I hope you guys aren't just "bouldering", I want you to practice safety & use protection. Which one of you is the top though? Or are you versatile? Unlike Dean Potter I guess you touch each other even when one of you is "soloing" -do you comb each others palm hair too?

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bone, i was talkin to caveman and he said your old lady said that you had the lite & fast stuff wired, more like it was a medical condition. but then again i am getting this 3rd hand. so i won't sat too much!

and i don't do can-yucks, i don't have the shots to deal with their local diseases, like socialism!

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Not to state the obvious, but dope is weigh lighter than brewskis or licker! Just don't use aluminum for the pipe unless you want to die.

After my 5 day trip with a fairly serious "light meister" i bought platypus bottles and a 3/4 light thermyrest for my six year old today. I told him I would "borrow" it from him if he wasn't coming with me and he said "sure Dad!" That's all I could justify. I do like my comforts too. It's a balance thing, nobody's right or wrong. Fortunately my knees still work like a 20 year old. I'll tribute that to tele skiing only.

I'm going to second beach this weekend with my son. I'm going to sea kayak there instead of hike. Way more luxurious!! 300 lbs (if I want) vs. 60!!

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Especially the ones carrying practically nothing and traveling 30-40 miles a day. What's the point to traveling so far and fast that all you can do at the end of the day is get butt-faced, curl up in your tyvek and die of exhaustion?

Not my idea of a fun outdoor experience. I'd guess that 95% of the population that hike and climb would agree with me too. Lightening up a bit is great, and makes sense...taking it to the Jardine Extreme is, well, just too far left for me. Moderate comfort rules.

So if making super-high mileage while wearing a thong and carrying a bong get you off, fine, just don't preach that religion as the end-all. I want my brewskis!!!

[This message has been edited by allthumbs (edited 07-30-2001).]

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What do you care what someone else does in the mountains on their own time? Does it affect you in some way? Are you jealous that people can travel like this in the mountains? Do you have creaky knees?


5 days ago I carried 6 pints of heavy into Boston Basin for the second time in 3 days. I travel light and fast and still get my liquor in.


We've seen a hundred self righteous posts like your's gaper.

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Hey allthumbs:

You're a funny dude! Maybe you missed my point. The point was on LONG hikes (i.e. over 400 miles) I'd rather carry very little. Whether carrying 35 for 15 miles or 15 for 30 miles, I'd be equally as tired. It's definitely not for everyone, but it gives you plenty of time to take days off and just chill in a beautiful place, or to catch up with that hot little mamma you saw leaving town when you just arrived to resupply, or to blast through a crowd and get beyond a overcrowded campsite/watersource, or to blaze through the Smoky Mt section of the AT without having to go into tourist hell for a resupply, or etc etc etc....plus it's easier on your knees and you'll be needing those for a while longer I think. Hike your own hike, and if you really want to carry a bunch of shit, great...pack me in some MacTarnahan's Black Watch Cream Porter and a salmon steak, I'll be that irie guy at camp without the chafed raw shoulders and waist!

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