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Steph Davis Book Tour/Slide Show in Portland

Ashley Knecht

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People going up on Hood unprepared to deal with reality have about the same media effect as Potter on Delicate Arch. However, those involved with the Hood incidents weren't intentionally attempting to attract media attention.

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why would anybody climb on arches when you have indian creek


In Arches or on arches (in Arches)?


If you mean the former, one could ask "why hike up to the Pickets since WA pass has so much better rock & no hiking?" For some, the soft entrada towers in Arches are more fun than clean wingate splitters of indian creek.

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Wow, I got back to work then checked up on this thread and saw it diverted back to the "Arch controversy".


I agree that Potter's ascent of the Delicate Arch could have been done in a more inconspicuous style so as to not draw more attention to himself. Though I don't think the act itself was wrong, but it was unthoughtful of what the backlash would be. I was suprised that Patagonia didn't fire him on the spot. Instead their statement was a "hands off/ we didn't know" statement. I can't believe it took them that long to let Dean go, but it makes sense given the ripples that affected the community.


It's too bad that Steph was let go for being an accomplice.


I love Patagonia products and how they do business. While I was disappointed in seeing Dean & Steph lose their sponsorship, I'll continue to cheer them on but won't stop supporting Patagonia. Besides, Nau's clothing looks like it's intended to be worn around rainy towns rather than on a trip.


Edited by Hendershot
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How does one "hurt" a rock?


Countless ways, all context dependent. I'd say ridiculously uninformed or self-absorbed not to be able to recognize and or understnd the basic problem involved with the incident.


basically, i could give a flying turd about the one rock...the point was, he risked putting himself and all other climbers on the NPS's radar and risking access to ALL rocks in the area...now, if he wanted to climb it for some THC inspired experience of monkeyfagdork ass communion with that PARTICULAR rock, then fine, go do it, keep your pie hole shut and write it down in a private journal (if you must document it for yourself)...


stupid ass pr stunt if you ask me and risked a lot of access to other stuff...


that particular rock, i don't care...

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Glad that Dean was dropped and anyone who supported it. Dean was not the first to climb Delicate Arch nor will he be the last, but hopefu lly no one is so stupid as to document it and then send out press releases. I won't boycott patagonia, but I will boycott Davis' slideshow.


Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it o.k. Similar to Dean's trashing the crag with fixed gear for over a year last year up in Tuolumne.



Dean did not trash that Tuolume crag--I know this for a fact. Maybe you need to get your facts straight. Dean also was not the one who brought attention to the DA climb. Thank Patagonia for that.

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I have the utmost respect for Dean and especially Steph for their contributions to the climbing community and pushing the standards in a number of disciplines. Steph has worked extremely hard to accomplish things in what is an almost exclusive boys club: hard alpine. I hope she continues to pursue her goals and inspire other women to pick up the torch especially after losing Karen and Sue.


However given their track record of leaving trash on projects the DA issue was merely the straw the broke the camels (or in this case the sponsers) back.


Trying to fault Patagonia for Steph and Deans' choices over the years is the stupidest thing I have heard since the velvet 8 thought promoting their rescue was a way to fight MLU legislation. Patagonia was their employer and like an employer Patagonia had certain rules to employment. Don't like them? Work for some else.


I would highly encourage you to pick up this months Fortune magazine and give it a read before blasting Patagonia.


If Patagonia is the antagonist here why aren't you throwing a fit over black diamond? They dropped them both last year... well before Patagonia. Or are you going to try and tell me it is a big great pacific iron works/chouinard equipment/lost arrow corp/patagonia/black diamond conspiracy? :rolleyes:


And unless you plan on posting under your real name don't bother citing "facts".

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