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It's like some kind of magical ritual designed to give these powerless people something they so desperately crave. And the mob intensifies this effect.


I have found a site ( http://thesituationist.wordpress.com/about-situationism/ ) that offers much insight into like subjects. Not about magic but human behavior.


For magic, one might want to delve into Sir James Frazer's The Golden Bough (1922).

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according to the islamic man on the street 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by Muslims but orchestrated by W as part of his reelection campaign - all lies from the MSMedia (his words not mine). Apparently I should read the Koran as well, it'll bring about world shaking truths.

-As told to me in Srinagar (old town, near the lake)

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according to the islamic man on the street 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by Muslims but orchestrated by W as part of his reelection campaign - all lies from the MSMedia (his words not mine). Apparently I should read the Koran as well, it'll bring about world shaking truths.

-As told to me in Srinagar (old town, near the lake)


the word on these streets , in nyc, and in the mllitary, is that we did that for oil and to get the peoples mandate to go conquer the rest of the world. so far it has worked. read the koran/bhagavad gita/bible/aurobindo/etc etc truth is every where! just not in our media... that's bought and paid for....

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according to the islamic man on the street 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by Muslims but orchestrated by W as part of his reelection campaign - all lies from the MSMedia (his words not mine). Apparently I should read the Koran as well, it'll bring about world shaking truths.

-As told to me in Srinagar (old town, near the lake)


The Islamic man on the street and the left-wing commentariat here at cc.com evidently have quite a bit in common when it comes to their perception of those events. Might make for a good game show: Theory Espoused at Moveon.org or...Madrasah in Waziristan?



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according to the islamic man on the street 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by Muslims but orchestrated by W as part of his reelection campaign - all lies from the MSMedia (his words not mine). Apparently I should read the Koran as well, it'll bring about world shaking truths.

-As told to me in Srinagar (old town, near the lake)


The Islamic man on the street and the left-wing commentariat here at cc.com evidently have quite a bit in common when it comes to their perception of those events. Might make for a good game show: Theory Espoused at Moveon.org or...Madrasah in Waziristan?



I thought his damnation of the MSM quite rightwing.

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As far as nihilism, the rightwing also has that goal at times. Witness the Nazis intellectuals who took the words of Nietzsche to heart: "...‘The man who breaks… tables of values, the breaker, the lawbreaker;...he is the creator’...".


On the leftwing, the French Revolution: a break with the old order (the Ancien Regime), a new calendar, regicide (the end of the Divine Rights of Kings), etc.


Left. Right. Left. Marching to the future...?

Transhumanism: The World’s Most Dangerous Idea?

Edited by Stonehead
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according to the islamic man on the street 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by Muslims but orchestrated by W as part of his reelection campaign - all lies from the MSMedia (his words not mine). Apparently I should read the Koran as well, it'll bring about world shaking truths.

-As told to me in Srinagar (old town, near the lake)


The Islamic man on the street and the left-wing commentariat here at cc.com evidently have quite a bit in common when it comes to their perception of those events. Might make for a good game show: Theory Espoused at Moveon.org or...Madrasah in Waziristan?



I thought his damnation of the MSM quite rightwing.


C'est verdad. If he had only used the term "corporate media" instead the overlap would have been seamless.


What's interesting is the prevalence and persistence of this kind of paranoid conspiracy mongering in an open society. I used to see think this kind of thinking was symptomatic of the limits on the distribution and exchange of information that were only possible in politically repressive states, but I've had to reconsider that point as of late. Despite the proliferation of information sources available to the average citizen over the course of the past 15 years or so, these tendencies, if anything, have increased, especially on the Left.


In light of this phenomenon, I've become convinced that paranoia has less to do with poor access to information than a kind of persistent political frustration that results when it appears as though your side is either marginalized and powerless, or has lost the argument has seen the tides of culture and popular opinion turn decisively away from the values, politics, and beliefs that you would like to see prevail. Not only that, but things are so far gone that attempts to redress the problem through conventional political or intellectual means seem completely hopeless.


One can see how certain elements of the Right must have felt this way in the period that ran from roughly 1932-1980, and this may explain why - whatever the faults of the political Left during this period - feverish conspiracy mongering was almost completely confined to various elements on the Right. This seemed to be true even during the broad reverses that occurred during the broad reverses that the Left sustained during the Reagan administration, and right through the Clinton Era - although his moderate third-wayism may have have left the true believers who had been holding out for the Anti-Reagan feeling even more marginalized and embittered. The arrival and persistence of GWB in the oval office, coming on top of the failure of any of the various 60's utopia's to materialize, the collapse of the Soviet Block, the broad retreat of Socialism in nearly every venue around the world, the ascendance of the religious Right, etc, etc seems to have been to much for certain elements in the Left to accept as a consequence of anything that could be understood or explained outside of the paradigm of a monumental conspiracy that's far too intricate and subtle for the average person on the street to notice or comprehend, much less resist.


Hence, among certain elements of the political Left, we have witnessed the emergence and popular appeal of paranoid delusions that rival anything dreamed up by the black-helicopter crowd in their intensity and scope. Once a virtual monopoly owned and operated by the Right, now a shared franchise.






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It's called "shoot the messenger". Fuckers. Our GI's are doing their job like they are supposed to. If they don't like it, they should attack the government, not the guys who are legally bound to serve.


I dunno. I expect that if my city and country were occupied under similar conditions, I would come to hate/fear the combat troops on the ground, who are responsible for going door-to-door to secure the area, the people who daily make decisions about who lives, who dies, because they carry the weapons.


I'm not sure which would be more rational, but I think focusing a fair amount of your hatred on the physical, local representatives of the occupying power would be a natural response.


And I expect that I also would partake in subversive measures to take back my country.

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